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Showing results 297 to 356 of 589 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2011Naming as a basis for first-class brandingГуз, Е. А.; Guz, E. A.-Английский
2011National features of PR-events to celebrate a holiday "The city day"Лукашеня, Н. С.; Lukashenya, N. S.-Английский
2011National specificity in trademarks of beer brandsКарпова, Ю. О.; Karpova, Yu. O.-Английский
2001NATO, Yugoslavia and international lawПасиевич, В. В.; Pasievich, V. V.-Английский
2006Negative political advertising: is it really so effective?Пешина, К. Г.; Peshina, K. G.-Русский; Английский
2017Neural networks in businessKonetsky, V. A.; Lezhaiko, M. А.; Bedritskaya, L. V.ThesisАнглийский
2016Neural networks in businessKonetsky, V. A.; Lezhaiko, M. А.; Bedritskaya, L. V.-Английский
2016New approach tо thе analysis of enterprise's competitive сарасitу in UzbekistanRoldugin, V.; Kayumov, R.ArticleАнглийский
2001New economyГоворко, Н. Н.ThesisАнглийский
2017New economy in cyberspace — experience of Polish-Belarusian cooperationPartycki, S.; Drewniak, A.; Błaszczak, D.ThesisАнглийский
2017New economy: challenges for traditional organizational structuresR. van de PollThesisАнглийский
2015New Heights (Part 1) : электронное учебно-методическое пособие для студентовДмитриева, О. П.; Заяц, О. И.; Мышковская, Н. Ю.; Dmitrieva, O. P.; Zayac, O. I.; Myshkovskaya, N. Yu.-Английский
2015New Heights (Part 2) : электронное учебно-методическое пособие для студентовДмитриева, О. П.; Заяц, О. И.; Мышковская, Н. Ю.; Dmitrieva, O. P.; Zayac, O. I.; Myshkovskaya, N. Yu.-Английский
2017New industrialization as a concept of regional industrial developmentAftakhova, U.; Yanchuk, A.ThesisАнглийский
2000New Modern Conception of MarketingShatov, S.; Шатов, С. А.-Английский
2016New trend marketing on the internet: what's that, and what does it do?Kanash, K.; Shvakel, K.; Starovojtova, O.; Mas, G.-Английский
2016New type of advertising: ADS on blogsAbiralo, D.; Bukvalnaya, E.; Bedritskaya, L.; Milevskaya, O.-Английский
2009New words in the sphere of globalizationShulga, N. V.ThesisАнглийский
2013Non-classical method for predicting inflationHadas-Dyduch, M.ThesisАнглийский
2015Non-waste production: profitable and ecological way of manufacturingМусатова, А. А.; Хаданович, Д. О.; Musatova, A. A.; Khadanovich, D. O.ThesisАнглийский
2005Nonverbality in international communicationЧембрович, Т. С.; Chembrovich, T. S.ThesisАнглийский
2001Observing а company structureУлитенок, Л.; Ulitenok, L.-Английский
2000Offshore and its advantages over other forms of businessЛазовский, А. С.; Lazovskiy, A. S.ThesisАнглийский
2016Offshore outsourcing as one of the driving forces of globalizationNovitskaya, M.; Garin, A.; Bedritskaya, L.; Vashkevich, J.-Английский
2002On content and language integrated learning in the university and common foreign language curriculum planningPovalyaev, A. A.ArticleАнглийский
2001On-line advertising: problems аnd futureЩенделова, Ю. С.ThesisАнглийский
2017Online shopping as the form of E-commerceМаевская, А. В.; Шуплякова, Л. С.ArticleАнглийский
2016OPEC: new oil coalitionShashuro, A.; Bergel, T.; Vashkevich, J.-Английский
2017Optimization communications marketing activitiesHorbulko, M.; Svatiuk, D.; Svatiuk, O.ThesisАнглийский
2017Organization of the international cashless payments by banksBilan, A. A.; Dulia, A. N.ThesisАнглийский
2001Paradoxical dollar phenomenon: тне U.S. Enrichment & thе european impoverishment & vice versaМитрофанов, В.; Mitrofanov, V.-Английский
2017Peculiarities of doing business in some countries and particularly in BelarusКлочек, В. В.; Гайдук, Л. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2009Peculiarities of social-economic orientation of economics students in GeorgiaTutisani, М.ThesisАнглийский
2012Peculiarities of the stabilization policy in Azerbaijan under the financial crisisГаджиев, А. Г.-Английский
2015Peculiarities of wordplay devices in American and british advertisements = Особенности реализации приемов языковой игры в рекламе США и ВеликобританииPalubinski, P.ThesisАнглийский
2006Perspectives of alternative tourism in BelarusКраснобережский, И. А.; Krasnoberezhskiy, I. A.-Английский
2017Plastic card fraudShumskaya, A. Y.; Mazyuk, O. S.; Vasilevskaya, L. I.ThesisАнглийский
2017Pooling marketing efforts: GastrofestZenko, K. S.; Kholodinskaya, Y. O.; Frantsuzova, O. N.ThesisАнглийский
2005Popularization of street style of lifeМоисеев, А. А.; Moiseev, A. A.-Английский
2016Porter's five forces in the belarusian marketVoronina, A.; Gritskevich, A.; Bergel, T.; Vashkevich, J.-Английский
2009Potential of service innovation policy in BelarusKaartemo, V.-Английский
2001Poverty and the wауs of solving this problemКондеева, А. Ю.ThesisАнглийский
2000Poverty and wealth on the threshold of the becoming milleniumНовик, Е. Н.; Novik, E. N.ThesisАнглийский
2011PR-campaign for inbound tourism development in the Repablic of BelarusЖавнерчик, Е. Е.; Zhavnerchik, E. E.-Английский
2009Pre-pensioned aged population on a labor marketLapiashvili, T.ThesisАнглийский
2001Premier Stolypin's reform: myth and truthЖолудь, Я. О.; Zholud, Ya. O.-Английский
2001Preventing corruption and dishonesty in PoliceАжар, И. В.; Azhar, I. V.-Английский
2003Pricing at the enterpriseBardysheva, Н. V.ArticleАнглийский
2001Private sector in belarus: background and contemporary problemsПатракова, Е. А.; Patrakova, E. A.-Английский
2000Privatisation and restructuring in thе Republic оf BelarusСиталов, А. С.; Sitalov, A. S.ThesisАнглийский
2000Problem Aspects of Software Developing and UsingGoyan, M. I.; Гоян, М. И.-Английский
2017Problems and prospects of the development of tourism industry in the Repubic of BelarusПушкарева, М. А.; Самусевич, Д. Е.ArticleАнглийский
2016Problems of marketing communications or how to move the business from the dead pointChernous, S.; Sudas, K.; Vasilevskya, L.-Английский
2015Problems of the transit potential development in the Republic of BelarusТолпыго, А. А.; Тимошенко, А. И.; Tolpygo, A. A.; Timoshenko, A. I.ThesisАнглийский
2002Product supply organizational structureReshin, EduardArticleАнглийский
2016Professional standards as a source of harmony between education and labor marketsSeliuzhitskaya, D.; Stanulevich, N.; Mas, G.; Vorobyova, I.-Английский
2017Programmatic: what it is and how it can be usedDaniliuk, A. A.; Bedritskaya, L. V.ThesisАнглийский
2012Promoting competition in telecommunicatios serviceSliwa, R.-Английский
2007Promoting writing skillsЛаптинская, Л. С.; Laptinskaya, L. S.ThesisАнглийский
2011Proper names in construction businessВойтик, И. А.; Voytik, I. A.-Английский

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