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Showing results 5581 to 5680 of 69360 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2015Thе Austrian school of economics and contemporary groups of banкsMleczko, Ł.ThesisАнглийский
2001Thе choice is ours for thе futureЗантович, А. А.; Zantovich, A. A.-Английский
2008Thе contemporary tourist policy of BelarusШирочина, Е. Н.; Shirochina, E. N.ThesisАнглийский
2001Thе history of moneyМакаревич, О. С.; Makarevich, O. S.-Английский
2008Thе relations between Belarus and China hаve entered а qualitatively new stage of strategic cooperationЧернышева, А. О.; Chernysheva, A. O.ThesisАнглийский
2016Tied aid as a financial strategyShyshko, V.; Rymzha, V.; Vasilevskaya, L.; Vashkevich, J.-Английский
2024Tik Tok as an Effective Means of Promoting Tourist ServicesGibashova, A.ArticleАнглийский
2021TikTok для продвижения туризма в БеларусиСудиловская, Ю. А.; Юницына, П. А.ArticleРусский
2023TikTok as a platform for effective usage of internet marketingBelova, J.; Matokhina, A.; Белова, Ю. А.; Матохина, А. В.ArticleАнглийский
2023Tiktok promotion — современная платформа реализации компанииПетницкая, Е. Ю.; Петровская, А. В.ArticleРусский
2022TikTok — новейший инструмент для продвижения бизнесаАртемчук, Е. В.; Кривошей, А. М.ArticleРусский
2023Time-менеджмент, time-маркетингТихонович, Д. О.ArticleРусский
2007To make the grade: the use of the NLP Teciniques in businessПетрякова, И. В.-Английский
2023To say "no" to clients in the middle of a crisisGaputsina, Y.; Гапутина, Я. Г.ArticleАнглийский
2019To the problem of Human Rights violations in the DPRKNekrashevich, E.; Zubkov, A.; Некрашевич, E. И.; Зубков, А. С.ThesisАнглийский
2022To the problem of restaurant business organizationMikhailau, K.; Halubtsou, I.; Михайлов, К. М.; Голубцов, И. В.ArticleАнглийский
2021To the question of the secondary linguistic personality and multilingualismKachan, D.; Качан, Д. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2007To thе question of mistake managementАдинцова, А. И.ThesisАнглийский
2022Today’s art: ecological aspectsKovalevskaya, K. E.; Malenkova, K. A.ArticleАнглийский
2021Todesstrafe: pro und contraMaewskaja, N.; Маевская, Н. В.ArticleНемецкий
2015Tomorrow is yours - everything is possible - a step ahead. What do you choose?Кушнеревич, И. А.; Некрашевич, Е. В.; Раткевич, А. А.; Kushnerevich, I. A.; Nekrashevich, E. V.; Ratkevich, A. A.ThesisАнглийский
2021Topical problems of the theory and practice of application of civil legislation : electronic training and methodological complex for undergraduates in the specialty 1-24 80 01 JurisprudenceШарапа, И. А.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2021-06-29Topical problems of the theory and practice of application of civil legislation : the curriculum of the educational institution of higher education in academic discipline for the specialty 1-24 80 01 "Jurisprudence"Kozyrevskaya, L. A.; Sharapa, I. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2012Topics for learning and discussion : учебное пособие для студентовУшакова, Л. М.; Горбатова, Т. В.; Ushakova, L. M.; Gorbatova, T. V.-Английский
2001Topological learning of kernel neural networksDorogov, A.; Alekseev, A.ArticleАнглийский
2012Tourism destination brandsЯночкина, Н. В.; Yanochkina, N. V.ThesisАнглийский
2012Tourism destination brandsЯночкина, Н. В.-Английский
2008Tourism development as one of the main direction in thе national economyКолодкина, Е. В.; Kolodkina, E. V.ThesisАнглийский
2019Tourism for people with limited opportunitiesБуренкова, А. А.; Красовская, А. Л.; Машкарева, Е. О.ArticleАнглийский
2004Tourism in Belarus: state and the ways of developmentБелоштентова, М. С.; Beloshtentova, M. S.-Русский
2018Tourism in Latin America as a factor of economic growth and developmentEfremenko, Е.; Gaiduk, L.ArticleАнглийский
2017Tourism in the Republic of Belarus: challenges and perspectivesМайсюк, К. И.ArticleАнглийский
2019Tourism industry at the international level: problems and prospectivesКулакович, А. С.; Самусевич, Д. Е.ArticleАнглийский
2018Tourism industry in the Republic of Belarus and ways of its further developmentMarkov, А. А.; Samusevich, D. E.ArticleАнглийский
2022Tourisme d'écran en période de la pandémieBoukato, M.; Ségaï, V.; Букато, М. И.; Сегай, В. С.ArticleФранцузский
2001Tourismus als pass zum friedenПилипович, О. В.; Pilipovich, O. V.-Немецкий
2015Tourismus fur Behinderte: Rahmenbedingungen fur barrierefreies ReisenЛугакова, Е. А.; Lugakova, E. A.ThesisНемецкий
2001Tourismus Wie Der Zweig Der WirtschaftПлакс, Т.; Снежкова, О.; Plaks, T.; Snezhkova, O.-Немецкий
2001Tourismus: die urlaubsziele der deutschen - zwischen wunsch und wirкijchkeitОлесиюк, Н. В.; Olesiyuk, N. V.-Немецкий
2019Tourismusbericht der Bundesregierung - besonderneiten and die wichtigsten aspektePrilutskaya, K.; Stasevich, K.; Прилуцкая, К. А.; Стасевич, К. Н.ThesisНемецкий
2018Tourist industry of Belarus in the era of globalizationБелоус, Е. В.; Сухаревич, Д. Н.ArticleАнглийский
2019Trade and economic cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the people's Republic of ChinaКоляда, Ю. А.; Климук, Е. В.ArticleАнглийский
2021Trade aspects of intellectual property rights : electronic educational methodical complex for the master’s degree students in major 1-24 80 01 JurisprudenceYanchuk, A.; Янчук, А. Л.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2015Trade aspects of intellectual property rights : electronic educational-methodical complex for Master’s program 1-25 81 01 "International Economics and Trade Policy"Лосев, С. С.Learning ObjectРусский; Английский
2021-06-29Trade aspects of intellectual property rights : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline for the specialty 1-24 80 01 “Jurisprudence”Yanchuk, A. L.; Sharapa, I. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019-04-19Trade Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the discipline for the specialty 1-25 81 01 “International Economics and Trade Policy”Yanchuk, A. L.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2011Trade balance problems and the ways to tackle themСтаин, Е. С.; Тюленев, С. В.; Stain, E. S.; Tyulenev, S. V.-Английский
2017Trade Diplomacy : electronic educational-methodical complex for Master’s program 1-25 81 03 «International economy»Шкутько, О. Н.; Shkutko, O. N.-Русский
2017-04-26Trade diplomacy : syllabus of educational establishment on training discipline for specialty 1-25 81 03 «International economy»Pranevich, A. A.; Shkutsko, A. N.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2018Trade in goods : electronic educational-methodical complex for Master’s program 1-25 81 01 "International Economics and Trade Policy"Янчук, А. Л.--
2017-06-30Trade in Goods : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the discipline for the specialty 1-25 81 01 "International Economics and Trade Policy"Yanchuk, A. L.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2018Trade in goods between Belarus and APTA countriesОжигина, В. В.; Tingfang, WuThesisАнглийский
2015Trade in services : electronic educational-methodical complex for masters program "International Economics and trade policy"Лисица, Е. С.--
2017-06-30Trade in services : Syllabus of educational establishment on training discipline for specialty 1-25 81 01 International Economics and Trade PolicyShkutsko, A. N.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019Trade is an engine of the economic growthЩербак, Л. В.; Самусевич, Д. Е.ArticleАнглийский
2021Trade negotiations and dispute settlement : electronic training and methodological complex for undergraduates in the specialty 1-24 80 01 “Jurisprudence”Таранова, Т. С.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2021-06-29Trade Negotiations and Dispute Settlement : the Curriculum of the Institution of Higher education in the academic discipline for the specialty 1-24 80 01 “Jurisprudence”Taranova, T. S.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2015Trade negotiations and trade dispute resolution : electronic educational-methodical complex for Master’s program 1-25 81 01 "International Economics and Trade Policy"Таранова, Т. С.Learning ObjectРусский; Английский
2015-10-28Trade Negotiations and Trade Dispute Settelment : Study Program for Master' s Degree in the Specialization:1-24 81 01 "Intemational Economics and Trade Policy"Taranova, T. S.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2022Trade of goods and services : electronic educational-methodical complex for undergraduates in the specialty 1-26 80 03 "Business Administration"Ерчак, О. В.; Erchak, O. V.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2022-06-27Trade of goods and services : Syllabus for the Major 1-26 80 03 «Business Administration», Master degree program Business Administration (in the English language)»Erchak, O.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2024-02-21Trade policy of a state : syllabus of educational establishment on training discipline for the specialty 7-06-0311-02 «World economy»Ozhigina, V. V.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2017-04-26Trade policy of African countries : syllabus of educational establishment on training discipline for the specialty 1-25 81 01 «International economics and trade policy»Ozhigina, V. V.; Ожигина, В. В.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2018Trade policy of CIS countries : electronic educational-methodical complex for masters program "International Economics and trade policy"Ozhigina V. V.; Ожигина, В. В.-Английский
2017-04-26Trade policy of CIS countries : syllabus of educational establishment on training discipline for the specialty 1-25 81 01 «International economics and trade policy»Ozhigina, V. V.; Ожигина, В. В.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2018Trade policy of the African countries : electronic educational-methodical complex for masters program "International Economics and trade policy"Ozhigina, V. V.; Ожигина, В. В.--
2018Trade policy of the European Union : electronic educational-methodical complex for masters program "International Economics and trade policy"Ozhigina V. V.; Ожигина, В. В.--
2017-04-26Trade policy of the European Union : syllabus of educational establishment on training discipline for the specialty 1-25 81 01 «International economics and trade policy»Ozhigina, V. V.; Ожигина, В. В.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2020Trade-in: реализация и приобретение автомобиля организациейКозырев, С. Н.ArticleРусский
2024Trading of foreign exchange assets as the best job everKuzmitskiy, D.; Кузьмицкий, Д. П.ArticleАнглийский
2019Trading via the internetPalchuk, J.ArticleАнглийский
2019Traditions of countries as a key to do businessAntonow, A.; Антонов, А. М.ThesisАнглийский
2023Las traducciones literarias de Carlos Sherman. Puente entre las literaturas bielorrusa y latinoamericanaKuznetsova, V.; Кузнецова, В. А.ArticleИспанский
2023Traje popular latinoamericano en la industria de moda actualAntiporovich, M.; Антипорович, М. С.ArticleИспанский
2017Transfer pricingKozlova, E. V.; Kuts, A. B.; Karlova, G. G.ThesisАнглийский
2021-05-04Transfer pricing : the curriculum of the higher educational institution in the academic discipline for the speciality 1-25 80 02 '‘World Economy"Loukianova, I. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2002Transfer technologii а konkttrencyjnosc w warunkach globalizacji gospodarkiMaliszewska, E.ArticleПольский
2023Transformation of foreign trade cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with individual countries of the Asian and Pacific regionShavruk, Y.; Urish, I.; Шаврук, Ю. А.; Уриш, И. В.ArticleАнглийский
2019Transformation of non-place into place as business strategySpasskikh, D.; Спасских, Д. А.ThesisАнглийский
2009Transforming the ехро business in the Republic of Belarus: concepts and ideas for future growthSokolovski, А. V.ThesisАнглийский
2018Transit tourism in the Republic of Belarus: chllenges and opportunitiesBarejsha, M. V.; Podgajskaja, A. S.; Radina, I. V.ArticleАнглийский
2012Transition de la bielorussie aux normes internationales d'information financiere: predisposition et necessiteВаленто, А. В.-Французский
2022Transition to the economy of impressionsKirisyuk, M.ArticleАнглийский
2023Transkreation: die kunst des kulturübergreifenden marketingsDostanko, A.; Budnaya, A.; Достанко, А. С.; Будная, А. А.ArticleНемецкий
2023Translating sovietisms into English and SpanishBogadevich, A.; Богадевич, А. А.ArticleАнглийский
2020Translation as a kind of language-culture mediationVolodko, S. M.; Bergel, T. Y.ArticleАнглийский
2018Translation of substandard language within a franework of political discourseKravchuk, A.; Khodenkova, M.ThesisАнглийский
2021Translation practice for commerceКлимук, Е. В.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2012Transnational cluster policy cooperation: EU lessonsВашкевич, Ю. Б.-Английский
2006Transnational corporationsМатюк, О. В.; Мацко, Д. В.; Matyuk, O. V.; Macko, D. V.-Русский; Английский
2020Transnational corporations as a tendency of development of the national economyЕременко, П. В.; Крицкая, И. В.ArticleАнглийский
2017-04-26Transnational investment and international investment agreements : syllabus for Master's program specialization 1-25 81 03 «World Economy»Petrushkevich, A. N.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2022Transparency of central banks: international legislation and new researchStrizhevich, А. S.ArticleАнглийский
2012Transport logistik in Belarus: besonderheiten des eisenbahnverkehrsМуравицкая, А. М.-Немецкий
2024Transportation risks and profitability in logistics businessBorisenok, А.; Борисенок, А. М.ArticleАнглийский
2008Transver der hohen technologien als unterstutzung des innovationunternehmungtumsХомлюк, А. Л.; Homlyuk, A. L.ThesisНемецкий
2018Trend of IT business development in BelarusZubakha, M.; Sorokina, A. I.ArticleАнглийский
2012Trends and factors in the development of the export potential of an enterpriseНикитина, Э. И.-Английский
2024Trends and problems of regional development of the banking systemRimaite, K.; Римайте, К. К.ArticleАнглийский
2023Trends in der entwicklung der weltwirtschaft des 21. Yahrhunderts und probleme ihrer funktionsweiseSobolevskaya, A.; Gordievich, J.; Соболевская, А. А.; Гордиевич, Я. Ю.ArticleНемецкий

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