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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2017Marketing management : training and metodology complex (electronic training complex) in specialty for Master’s program 1-26 81 01 “Business Administration” (the English-language Master's degree)Мацкевич, Е. В.Learning ObjectРусский
2010Marketing mix in nongovernmental organisations activity – some deliberations from Pomeranian provinces in PolandHernik, J.ArticleРусский
2022Marketing must be honestLapitskaya, E.ArticleАнглийский
2002Marketing mаnаgеmеntLiverani, Prof.Dr.ThesisАнглийский
2017-04-26Marketing of Global Companies : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the discipline for the specialty 1-25 81 03 "World Economy"Pavlovskaya, S. V.; Yanchuk, A. L.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019-06-28Marketing of Innovation Project : syllabus on training discipline for the specialty 1-26 80 05 «Marketing»Pratasenia, V. S.; Siniauskaya, V. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2002Marketing organizacji non profitlwankiewicz-Rak, B.ThesisПольский
2020Marketing policy of Belorusneft: directions of developmentTataryntsev, D.ArticleАнглийский
2017Marketing Research : electronic educational-methodical complex for Master’s program 1-26 81 01 "Business Administration"Морозевич, О. А.; Голомазова, Е. С.; Morozevich, O. A.; Halamazava, A. S.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2017-06-30Marketing Research : Study program or higher education institution Major: 1-26 81 01 Business Administration Master's program: «Business Administration»Morozevich, O. A.; Halamazava, A. S.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2021Marketing tricks in digital businessPhuong Nga Nguyen; Herman, L.ArticleАнглийский
2019Marketing сomponent of movie title translationNikitenko, N.; Никитенко, Н. А.ThesisАнглийский
2018Marketing: seniors vs millenialsTsyaglova, Y.ArticleАнглийский
2022Marketingkommunikation und PR-aktivitäten am beispiel der GMBH «Solveit»Pilipejko, X.; Пилипейко, К. Ю.ArticleНемецкий
2023Marketplace: profitable business solutionKononova, A.; Кононова, А.ArticleАнглийский
2019Marktforschung für bio-lebensmittel in DeutschlandDubrovina, M.; Дубровина, М. С.ThesisНемецкий
2014Marktwirtschaft = Рыночная экономика : учебно-методическое пособие для иностранных студентовКоцаренко, Е. М.; Бахун, Т. П.; Шевцова, В. А.; Kocarenko, E. M.; Bahun, T. P.; Shevcova, V. A.-Немецкий
2012Marriage: what is it good for?Ревенко, Н. В.-Английский
2024Martens clause in conditions of public safetyButonina, R.; Бутонина, Р. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2001Martin Luther King's " I have a dream" as a manifesto and rhetorical masterpieseКотяк, П. В.ThesisАнглийский
2023Mary Kay Ash changed the business world for womenPozniakova, V.; Познякова, В. В.ArticleАнглийский
2001Marкeting environmentБондарев, В. К.; Bondarev, V. K.-Английский
2006Marкeting for commercialactivity managementBorisova, О. V.ThesisАнглийский
2002-04-18Mass mediaПавловская, Т. Н.; Pavlovskaya, T. N.Thesisанглийский
2013Mass media = Средства массовой информации : учебно-методическое пособие по развитию навыков устной речи и чтения на английском языке для студентов и магистрантов экономических специальностейШаврук, Ю. А.-Английский
2013-04-25MATHCAD как средство анализа временного ряда курса доллара США к белорусскому рублюКармызов, А. В.; Пугачева, А. А.-Русский
2002MathCAD как средство обработки математических данныхТамашевич, И. В.; Ситникова, М. В.ArticleРусский
2022Means of creating an online imageKonoplyanik, V.; Конопляник, В. А.ArticleАнглийский
2020Measurement and empirical study of spatial spillover effects of Chinese manufacturing industryLiu MingArticleАнглийский
2021Measurement and evaluation of water resources utilization efficiency in the yellow river basinZhang Yongkai; Sun XuemeiArticleАнглийский
2018Mechanism of functioning of the catering industry in the Republic of BelarusStarinchik, P. O.; Samusevich, D. E.ArticleАнглийский
2021Media as an instrument of "soft power" from the position of "public diplomacy" and state image policyButsikova, E. A.ArticleАнглийский
2019Die mediale schlachtSchikunez, S.; Шикунец, С. Н.ThesisНемецкий
2020Medical tourism as a promising business direction in the Republic of BelarusKhmelnitskaya, A.; Padera, N.; Хмельницкая, А. В.; Падера, Н. В.ArticleАнглийский
2018Medical tourism in the Republic of Belarus and ways of its developmentPovshko, A. I.; Maslakova, V. V.ArticleАнглийский
2020Meeting industry as a factor of social and economic developmeht of BelarusShkornik, Y.; Klentak, C.ArticleАнглийский
2023La meilleure façon de connaitre un pays est de le "gouter"Malashenkova, A.; Малашенкова, А. А.ArticleФранцузский
2020Memes as business toolKovalyova, I.; Ковалева, И. В.ArticleАнглийский
2016Memorable experience as a new economic offeringKievich, V.; Derechenik, E.; Bedritskaya, L.; Pavlovskaya, S.-Английский
2019Memorandum of understanding between the NLB and the National Library of ChinaВиршиц, Н. И.; Жуковец, В. О.ArticleАнглийский
2001Memory testing based on two-dimensional parityBuslowska, E.ArticleАнглийский
2000Mercados de futuros de la produccion agricolaКисель, Е.ThesisИспанский
2012Mercenaries and ther legal status in an international armed conflictБорис, А. Э.; Boris, A. E.ThesisАнглийский
2020Merger policy in digital marketsChaikov, V.ArticleАнглийский
2019Merkmale der Deutschen kultur im internationalen projektmanagementHaluza, H.; Галуза, А.ThesisНемецкий
2022Merkmale der geschäfte in muslimischen ländernMaksimuk, P.; Максимук, П. А.ArticleНемецкий
2023Merkmale und ziele von werbtexten, ihre stellung im rahmen der wissenschaftskommunikationChasova, A.; Часова, А. Д.ArticleНемецкий
2021Messaging apps in businesses and national economyPanezhanka, U.ArticleАнглийский
2023Metaphor translation in fiction (via Irving Stone's biographic novel "Lust for life")Gelei, K.; Гелей, Е. А.ArticleАнглийский
2010Metaphoric nature of intertextual narrativeПотятынык, У. О.; Potyatynyk, U. O.-Английский
2023Metaphorisches potenzial der behalternamen im DeutschenSokol, K.; Сокол, К. А.ArticleНемецкий
2022Metaphysical and Dialectical Methods in the Analysis of the Phenomenon of EducationVashko, O. A.ArticleАнглийский
2003Methode KanbanКолтун, Е. В.ArticleФранцузский
2019Methodological principles for using a stakeholder-focused approach in the strategic adaptive management of industrial park structuresPlakhin, А. Е.ThesisАнглийский
2009Methodological problems of borrowers credit rating determination and its solutionsRomanova, I.-Русский
2022-06-27Methodology and Methods of Sociological Researches (in English) : Syllabus of higher education institution for the major 1-23 01 02 «Linguistic support of intercultural communications (according to areas)»Simkhovich, V. A.Learning ObjectРусский
2022Methodology and methods of sociological researches : educational and methodical complex for the major 1-23 01 02 "Linguistic support of intercultural communications (according to areas)"Simkhovich, V. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2013Methods and approaches of pricing in business activityNaidon, O. S.ThesisАнглийский
2023Methods of applying the linguistic corpus to the study of foreign languagesZikrach, A.; Ostrouhova, Y.; Зикрач, А. Е.; Остроухова, Ю. Н.ArticleАнглийский
2022Methods of assessing the competitiveness of the enterpriseGrigoreva, A.ArticleАнглийский
2021Methods of identifying signs of industrial and financial crisisZaliska, T.ArticleАнглийский
2017Methods of measuring customer loyalty in b2bKhandogina, O. V.; Parkhimenka, U. A.ThesisАнглийский
2006Methods of payment (credit cards)Мороз, О. В.; Moroz, O. V.-Английский
2001Métodos de la estimulaciόn de la productividad del trabajo en las emrpesasШахланская, Ю. С.; Shahlanskaya, Yu. S.-Испанский
2020Mice-tourism in context of cross cultural communications globally and in BelarusIzhutina, N.; Kostyanko, P.ArticleАнглийский
2012MICE-индустрия в Беларуси: современное состояние и перспективы развитияЛелей, Е. В.; Leley, E. V.-Русский
2020Micro-financing for Lebanon small businesses: problems and prospectsKaraki, H. A.ArticleАнглийский
2019-06-28Microeconomic analysis and policy (in english) : course syllabus of state educational establishment for master studentsFilipcov, A. M.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2023-06-21Microeconomics : the curriculum of the establishment of higher education in the academic discipline for the specialty 6-05-0311-03 «World economy»Bazhina, A. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2004Microsoft is no monopolyНавродский, В. А.; Navrodskiy, V. A.-Английский

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