Browsing by Language Английский

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2000Teaching business english through role-plays, simulations and case-studiesYumagulova, M. R.ThesisАнглийский
2000Development of teaching courses on managerial issues in local and international contextSergey, V.ThesisАнглийский
2000Business education for ‘peoplism’Flowers, A.ThesisАнглийский
2000English for Academic Purposes (EAP): Course Design for International Exchange StudentsRobinson, I. K.ArticleАнглийский
2000Plastic moneyКраснов, Ю. Е.ThesisАнглийский
2000MoneyАпанович, В. С.ThesisАнглийский
2000AcknowledgementКарсеко, Р. М.ThesisРусский; Английский
2000Сreating value through personal developmentMamonova, I.ThesisАнглийский
2000Why economic growth matters and how tо achieve itСтолярчук, С. В.ThesisАнглийский
2000Conception of a New Coursebook of English for Agricultural StudentsЛяхнович, Т. Л.ArticleАнглийский
2000Euro: the estimation of current condition and perspectives for the future developmentРабко, Д. А.ThesisАнглийский
2000Control problems for discrete Volterra systemsDymkov, M.; Gaishun, I.ArticleАнглийский
2001Some biological factors in crimeЛеонова, С. А.; Михалочкина, И. М.; Leonova, S. A.; Mihalochkina, I. M.-Английский
2001Challenges for commodity science in the XXI centuryKozioj, JacekArticleАнглийский
2001Commodity science — quality science in the III milleniumKozioj, JacekArticleАнглийский
2001The technique of evaluation of quality in technological and economic systems in the conditions of nonstatistic uncertaintyDimova, L. G.; Zhestkova, E. S.ArticleАнглийский
2001SPHERE SystemTurgut, B.; Aydin, N.; Turgut, D.ArticleАнглийский
2001Classifiers fusion with data dependent aggregation schemesLipnickas, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Fuzzy-based multicriterial optimization of economic and ecological systemDymova, L.; Chegerova, T.; Sevastianov, D.; Sevastianov, P.ArticleАнглийский
2001Solving optimization problems: mean field annealing theory and Hopfield neural networkShankar, R.; Krishna, R. B.ArticleАнглийский
2001Dynamical description of languageMolaei, M. R.; Fekri, S.ArticleАнглийский
2001Topological learning of kernel neural networksDorogov, A.; Alekseev, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Inherently parallel algorithms in feasibility and optimization and their applicationsButnariu, D.; Censor, Y.; Reich, S.ArticleАнглийский
2001Carrel: an agent mediated institution for the exchange of human tissues among hospitals for transplantationCortes, U.; Vazquez-Salceda, J.; Vazquez, A.; Busquets, D.; Nicolas, M.; Lopes, S.; Lopez-Navidad, A.; Caballero, F.ArticleАнглийский
2001The signal synchronization problem in VLSI designErzin, A.; Cho, J. D.ArticleАнглийский
2001Multiresponse regression models for digital image processingPopov, S. A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Forming of the investment portfolio using self organizing neural networksStankevicius, G.ArticleАнглийский
2001User interface builders: are they a good idea?Turgut, B.; Aydin, N.; Turgut, D.ArticleАнглийский
2001Finance related to stochastic behavior and riskMasdemont, J.ArticleАнглийский
2001Belarus State Economic University: short informationGurko, S.ArticleАнглийский
2001Graph сoloring: an exact algorithm based on preliminary vertex orderingZakrevskij, A.; Vasilkova, I.ArticleАнглийский
2001Dynamic deterministic reliability indicesZaitseva, E. N.ArticleАнглийский
2001Words of welcome from the conference chairmanLazarev, V. G.ArticleАнглийский
2001Words of welcome from the chairman of organizing committeeMorozevitch, A. N.ArticleАнглийский
20012001, Title page. Information Networks, Systems and Technologies. Volume 1-ArticleАнглийский
2001Multipath dispersion in optical wireless networks employing DH-PIMAldibbiat, N. M.; Ghassemlooy, Z.; McLAughlin, R.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2001Expert system dvelopment with kappa-PCDanaher, M.ArticleАнглийский
2001Location of pattern sensitive memory faultsMrozek, I.ArticleАнглийский
2001Twisting statistics with propertiesApolloni, B.; Malchiodi, D.ArticleАнглийский
2001Machine translation for kindred languageNevmerjitskaia, G.; Roubashko, N.ArticleАнглийский
2001Reliability analysis and optimization of multi-state acyclic data transmission networksLevitin, G.ArticleАнглийский
2001Memory testing based on two-dimensional parityBuslowska, E.ArticleАнглийский
2001Artificial intelligence techniques in intrusion detectionAlguliev, R. M.; Imamverdiev, Y. N.ArticleАнглийский
2001Frequency assignment problem automationCharamisinau, I.ArticleАнглийский
2001Peculiarity of graph coloring in decomposition of a system of incompletely specified boolean functionsPottosin, Yu.; Shestakov, E.ArticleАнглийский
2001Digital flows allocation in the transport network, built with SDHLazarev, Y. V.; Kiselev, E.; Khramov, A.; Lazarev, V. G.ArticleАнглийский
2001Words of welcome from the conference chairmanKarseko, R. M.ArticleАнглийский
2001A global constraint model for Integrated routeing and scheduling on a transmission networkRos, L.; Creemers, T.; Tourouta, E.; Riera, J.ArticleАнглийский
2001Graph theoretic algorithm for VLSI regular structures foldingCheremisinova, L.ArticleАнглийский
2001On rearrangeable networks with at most one reswitchingSchehrer, R. G.ArticleАнглийский
2001Some problems of soft handoff modelingRodionov, A. S.; Antyufeev, V. S.; Choo, H.; Youn, H. Y.ArticleАнглийский
2001Simulation of CMOS circuits at the Switch level using logic programmingLyulkin, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Problems of the concept SRT of, a training center of the companyKrasnov, S. A.; Sergeeva, N. I.ArticleАнглийский
20012001, Сontent. Information Networks, Systems and Technologies. Volume 1-ArticleАнглийский
2001Remarks to the direct method of fuzzy clustering based on presentation of initial data by fuzzy powerful toleranceViattchenin, D. A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Using Information Theoretical Approach for Construction of Fuzzy Decision TreesLevashenko, V.; Morozevich, A.; Zaitceva, E.; Kovalik, S.ArticleАнглийский
2001Data Interoperability In a EMC Simulation Software ToolCheremisinov, D.; Charamisinau, I.ArticleАнглийский
2001Hierarchical fuzzy model of productive system for decision making support problemsKrasnoproshin, V.; Koushner, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001FPGA based real-time image processing platformPieper, M.; Kummert, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Allocation Data Fragments for the Distributed DatabaseMatiasko, K.; Hamalova, J.ArticleАнглийский
2001VLSI Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network for a Real Time Detection ProblemKrips, M.; Kummert, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Creation of Decision Support System on the Bases of Non-Linear Model of the EconomyImamutdinov, Yu. G.; Asanovich, V. Y.ArticleАнглийский
2001Information measures to support logic network synthesisCheushev, V.; Moraga, C.ArticleАнглийский
2001Economy and weather forecastАлександрова, А.-Английский
2001Eco-tourism: perspectives of development in BelarusЗахаревич, М.; Ильина, Е.-Английский
2001Thе choice is ours for thе futureЗантович, А. А.; Zantovich, A. A.-Английский
20012001, № 1 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ--Русский; Английский
20012001, № 2 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ--Русский; Английский
20012001, № 3 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ-ArticleРусский; Английский
20012001, № 5 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ-ArticleРусский; Английский
20012001, № 4 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ-ArticleРусский; Английский
20012001, № 6 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ-ArticleРусский; Английский
2001Is tourism то весоме а profitable industry of Belarus economyНовик, Е. Н.; Novik, E.-Английский
2001Europe means qualityДикун, И. А.-Английский
2001How does monetary policy affect thе economy?Столярчук, С.; Швайбович, П.-Английский
2001International trade risk hedgingЛукьянчик, С.; Ситалов, А.-Английский
2001Will Сhina bесоме thе world economic power?Круговец, А. М.ThesisАнглийский
20022002, № 6 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ-ArticleРусский; Английский
2002Decrease of Yield of grain in Latvia during the transition period from planned economy lo market economyKruze, M.ThesisАнглийский
20022002, № 1 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ-ArticleРусский; Английский
20022002, № 5 Содержание. Вестник БГЭУ-ArticleРусский; Английский
2002Switching over period from planned to market economy characterised bу increased death ratesSkards, I.; Anspoka, M.ThesisАнглийский
2002The changes of environment of marketing in Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine during the changing period from planned to market economySkards Ilmars; Strazdina VigaThesisАнглийский
2002Food Marketing Practice аt Latvian SchoolsMelngaile AijaThesisАнглийский
2002Britain’s industrial competitivenessРудак, А. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2002Negative consequences of globalisation and the way of its recoveryСабук, С. К.ArticleАнглийский
2002Corporate-led globalizationШатило, H.ArticleАнглийский
2002CybercrimeСыропущинский, Д. В.ArticleАнглийский
2002Brain drain in Belarus and RussiaПетроченко, В. В.; Протосовицкая, Л. В.ArticleАнглийский
2002Investing foreing capital in BelarusСимонович, А.ArticleАнглийский
2002The polar starВоронкова, М. Н.ArticleАнглийский
2002Barter: making the most of an ancient business practiceКостеневич, О. Г.ArticleАнглийский
2002Collapse of Enron and its implications for the accounting professionПахомов, С. О.ArticleАнглийский
2002Free economic zones as an effective development toolКороль, А. Г.ArticleАнглийский
2002Globalization and Belarus’ national interestsФедосеев, В. В.ArticleАнглийский
2002Accounting: professional ethicsДаринская, О. Н.ArticleАнглийский
2002-04-18The euro maid an historic leap into the walletsИвановский, А. А.ThesisАнглийский
2002-04-18Youth culture at the turn of the centuriesПилипчук, Е. А.ThesisАнглийский
2002-04-18Successful brand – dream or realityКруговец, А. М.ThesisАнглийский
2003The competitiveness as the main factor in the era of globalizationVardamskaya, О.; Kulak, А.ArticleАнглийский

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