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Showing results 1404 to 1503 of 36445 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2006Readiness and willingness, or two strings to a bowЛотоцкая, К. Я.; Lotockaya, K. Ya.-Английский
2013Reading proficiently by reading efficientlyVolskaya, M. M.; Siamionava, L. B.ThesisАнглийский
2002Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita as an indicator of dynamics of switching over from planned to market economySkards llmars; Zogla IvetaThesisАнглийский
2019Recent changes in relations between China and BelarusВиршиц, Н. И.; Ерш, Д. Ю.ArticleАнглийский
2016Recognition and execution of foreign arbitral аwards in Russian FederationGavrilenko, V.; Гавриленко, В.ArticleАнглийский
2009Region selection model for retail store chain expansionDanusevics, M.-Английский
2023Regional differences in China’s international trade risks under the background of U.S. sanctionsZhang FeilongArticleАнглийский
2010Regional growth and entrepreneurship in Belarus, Russia and UkrainePavlyk, K.-Русский
2024The relationship between college students’ employment and vocational educationXie Lihui; Romanova, A. M.ArticleАнглийский
2001Reliability analysis and optimization of multi-state acyclic data transmission networksLevitin, G.ArticleАнглийский
2012Reliability analysis methods applications in managementKostolny, J.ThesisАнглийский
2001Remarks to the direct method of fuzzy clustering based on presentation of initial data by fuzzy powerful toleranceViattchenin, D. A.ArticleАнглийский
2020Research into the Development of International Trade in Gansu ProvinceCAI Wen-haoArticleАнглийский
2023Research on China's “One Belt, One Road” initiative and its impact on the Eurasian Economic UnionChen HantongzhouArticleАнглийский
2024Research on crisis communication strategies of enterprises in the new media eraWang Xuechun; Rudkouskaya, V.ArticleАнглийский
2023Research on Digital Identity of the Elderly in the Digital Age: Experience from ChinaZhang Xiaoxia; Nedospasova, O. P.ArticleАнглийский
2021Research on the advancing path of RMB internationalization in the new eraCheng GuiArticleАнглийский
2022Research on the Determination of Dominant Position in the Third-Party Payment IndustryYang LihuaArticleАнглийский
2024Research on the homogeneity of regional news in the new media environmentShi Lijun; Malashenko E. A.ArticleАнглийский
2022Research on the Identification Standards of Permanent Establishments in the Context of Digital EconomyGao QiangArticleАнглийский
2013Research on the impact of tax haven on the amount of corporate taxesGintare, G.ArticleАнглийский
2021Research on the marketing strategy of milk tea drink Michelle Ice CityLi Zhonghua; Shen DezhenArticleКитайский
2022Research on the tourism development of Gansu’s characteristic cultural resourcesGao YafangArticleАнглийский
2007RFID-технологии в цепочке поставокХрамаженко, Н. В.ThesisРусский
2021Rights and legally protected interests of employees: historiography and protection potentialYasinskaya-Kazachenko, A.; Ясинская-Казаченко, А. В.ArticleАнглийский
2013Role of costing in management of hospitalsChluska, J.-Английский
2016RTB - инновационная технология закупки медийной рекламыАнкинович, Ю. Е.ThesisРусский
2013Russian Federation Development: Dutch Disease Or New DevelopmentalismPetrushkevich, A.-Английский
2016Rynek paliw plynnych w PolsceSkudlarski, J.; Botwinska, K.ArticleПольский
2020Sector-specific features of organizational culture in information technology companieTurchinskaya, A.ArticleАнглийский
2013SEO-оптимизация и ее роль в интернет-маркетингеБылина, В. Ю.; Bylina, V. Yu.ArticleРусский
2021SEO-оптимизация сайта: учет затратАнищенко, В. С.ArticleРусский
2009Service sector in the global economyHeikkila, M.-Английский
2021Set up and maintenance of the private investment fund: valuable aspectBarbieri, M.; Petrushkevich, A. N.ArticleАнглийский
2017Shadow economy and the methods of its assessmentPanursky, D.; Petrenko, N., et alThesisАнглийский
2021Shadow economy, methods of assessment and counteractionHurski, A. V.ArticleАнглийский
2018Shrinkage of rural economic space in a region: the issues of assessmentBelousova, E. A.ThesisАнглийский
2001Simulation of CMOS circuits at the Switch level using logic programmingLyulkin, A.ArticleАнглийский
2006Sitove struktury firemDedina JiriThesisЧешский
2013Smart specialisation as a new concept of developing innovative regionsDerlukiewicz, N.ThesisАнглийский
2021SMART-маркетинговые коммуникации: идентификация и оценкаЖудро, Н. В.; Жудро, М. К., et alArticleРусский
2015SMM в решении маркетинговых задачРазумова, С. В.; Razumova, S. V.ArticleРусский
2020SMM как инструмент продвижения организации в сфере услугМазик, К. В.; Полещук, Н. А.ArticleРусский
2023SMM-стратегия продвижения инновационного продуктаЛевчук, К. А.ArticleРусский
2003SMS-реклама как инструмент коммуникационной политикиБас, С. В.ArticleРусский
2011Social trust as a missing link of export-oriented cluster formation in BelarusВашкевич, Ю. Б.-Английский
2001Solving optimization problems: mean field annealing theory and Hopfield neural networkShankar, R.; Krishna, R. B.ArticleАнглийский
2006Some aspects of bilingualism in Quebec (Canada)Гридушко, Н. С.; Gridushko, N. S.-Английский
2005Some features of using PERT-model in progect managementAlhanagtah, О.ThesisАнглийский
2015Some legal aspects of realization of principle of individual criminal responsibility in international criminal lawSlavko, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Some problems of soft handoff modelingRodionov, A. S.; Antyufeev, V. S., et alArticleАнглийский
2006Specific features of business languageЛойко, М. О.; Loyko, M. O.-Английский
2013Specific features of complimenting in everyday communication of Britich and Belarussian peopleСкок, В. А.ThesisАнглийский
2001SPHERE SystemTurgut, B.; Aydin, N., et alArticleАнглийский
2006Spolecenska odpovednost — globalni strategie firmyDzbankova, Z.ThesisЧешский
2001SRM-технология проектирования информационных системМорозевич, А. Н.; Комличенко, В. Н., et alArticleРусский
2002Standardy w zarzadzaniu bezpieczeństwem produktów spożywczychKrawczyk, A.; Pigtowski, M.ThesisПольский
2024State and business: partnership in the interests of societyAhramovich, M.ArticleАнглийский
2023State and Countermeasures of Agricultural Pollution in ChinaLiu XueyaoArticleАнглийский
2018State and development prospects of aviculture industryGoncharov, V. N.; Shevchenko, M. N., et alArticleАнглийский
2021Statistical assessment of cyclical exchange rate fluctuations in LebanonAgabekova, N.; Abdo Ali Nasser Aldine, et alArticleАнглийский
2022Statistical Forecasting of Stock Prices in Lebanon Based on Adaptive ModelsAbdo Ali Nasser AldineArticleАнглийский
2021STEM- и STEAM-подходы в образовании как элемент воспитания семейных ценностей в условиях демографического кризисаКулиш, Д. В.ArticleРусский
2009Strategic management in marketing planning in terms of financial turmoilBondarenko, O.ThesisАнглийский
2004Strategy of development and its key componentsReshin, E.ThesisАнглийский
2004Structure of capital in non-profit activitiesChernoshtana, Z.-Английский
2022Study on international tourism cooperation between China and Belarus in the post epidemic eraHe YingArticleАнглийский
2016Successful nation branding in Turkey. Успехи национального брендинга в ТурцииВашкевич, Ю. Б.; Nezhadhossein, Н., et alThesisРусский; Английский
2009Support for buisness interpriseTamośiūnas, T.; Lukośiūs, S.-Английский
2022Sustainability Analysis of World and China’s Energy DevelopmentYang ZhuxiArticleАнглийский
2014Sustainability business models: opportunities and obstacles for development in transition economiesManzhynski, S.ArticleАнглийский
2002Switching over period from planned to market economy characterised bу increased death ratesSkards, I.; Anspoka, M.ThesisАнглийский
2010SWOT-analysis of the belarusian dairy industry enterprisesBaranova, M. I.ArticleАнглийский
2020SWOT-анализ развития транзитного и трансграничного туризма в Республике БеларусьМалашенко, В. И.ArticleРусский
2014Swot-анализ факторов, влияющих на развитие инвестиционных фондов в Республике БеларусьБалан, О. В.-Русский
2023Synergetic as a Scientific paradigm for an explanation of the economic realityVashko, O. A.ArticleАнглийский
2024Synergy between the offer of the higher education and the needs of the modern labor market in ChinaVashko, O. A.; Yang YueArticleАнглийский
2002Systemy zarzadzania jakościa i bezpieczeństwem w produkcji i obrocieDendura, К.ThesisПольский
2000Teaching business english through role-plays, simulations and case-studiesYumagulova, M. R.ThesisАнглийский
2009Teaching business English: new approach and experienceVolodko, S. M.ThesisАнглийский
2024Teaching the Language of Business English for EconomistsVirshits, N.ArticleАнглийский
2013Technological preconditions for development of intellectual capital in medical entitiesChluski, A.-Английский
2013Technology transfer centers and regional mass media in the innovation project of the Republic of BelarusПетроченко, А. Г.-Английский
2023Technology Transfer Opportunities for MSMEs in BelarusYanchuk, A.ArticleАнглийский
2023Text Sentiment Recognition for Economic and Financial ApplicationChen ChengliangArticleАнглийский
2003The approaches to risk management in Procter & GambleReshin, E.ArticleАнглийский
2015The Budgetary Management of Local Governments in LatviaReshina, G. A.; Vocish, A. D.ArticleАнглийский
2018The causes of financial instability in the eurozone: implications for monetary integration in the EAEUВойтехович, А. Н.ThesisАнглийский
2013The challenge of sovereign debts management for the future of the Euro landКабанель, П.-Английский
2002The changes of environment of marketing in Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine during the changing period from planned to market economySkards Ilmars; Strazdina VigaThesisАнглийский
2021The concept of behavioral innovation economicsZoulghina, M.ArticleАнглийский
2019The concepts of innovative (digital) economy development in the Eurasion Economic UnionYanchuk, A.ThesisАнглийский
2024The contemporary landscape for young professionals in the labor marketVashko, O.ArticleАнглийский
2007The cooperation between Repablic of Belarus and Sweden (сотрудничество между Республикой Беларусь и Швецией)Панкрутский, Н. Н.; Pankrutskiy, N. N.ThesisАнглийский
2024The current characterictics of international business competitionKrycheuski, S.ArticleАнглийский
2013The decision-making process in regards to the economic integration of small and medium businessesГанущак-Ефименко, Л. М.-Английский
2015The development of trade in Belarus from the 13th to early 16th centuriesPavel Patapeika; Andrey NikanovichArticleАнглийский
2014The economy of knowledgeПавловская, С. В.; Pavlovskaya, S. V.-Английский
2022The Effects of ICTs on the “Arab Spring”Hu FangxinArticleАнглийский
2017The essence of the process of bifurcation in lawБородуля, А. А.; Borodulya, A. A.ThesisАнглийский

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