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Title: Research on the marketing strategy of milk tea drink Michelle Ice City
Other Titles: Исследование маркетинговой стратегии молочно-чайного напитка Michelle Ice City
Authors: Li Zhonghua
Shen Dezhen
Keywords: marketing strategies;chinese market;SWOT analysis;маркетинговые стратегии;китайский рынок;SWOT-анализ
Issue Date: 2021
Language: Китайский
Type: Article
Citation: Li Zhonghua. Research on the marketing strategy of milk tea drink Michelle Ice City / Li Zhonghua, Shen Dezhen // Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы : сборник научных трудов / Белорусский государственный экономический университет [и др. ; под общей редакцией В. С. Голика]. – Минск : А. Н. Вараксин, 2021. – С. 334-346.
Abstract: Fresh and delicious milk drinks have become the first choice of urban youth after dinner. Currently, the Chinese milk market has gradually shown a trend of diversification, among which the tea of Xi tea, Lele tea and Naixue are high-end luxury brands, a little and Coco can closely follow, Michelle Ice City is a beverage chain brand, Since its founding at the end of the last century, it has a high brand awareness in Central China. Based on the research of domestic and foreign literature, this paper carries out a SWOT analysis of the development of Milk Honey Snow Ice City and Further excavate consumer purchasing habits on the Zhengzhou market, optimize the marketing strategy of the Honey Snow City with the help of 4Ps marketing theory and improve the existing marketing strategy.
ISBN: 978-985-7265-62-6
Appears in Collections:Менеджмент и маркетинг: опыт и проблемы, 2021

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