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Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)TypeLanguage
2016New type of advertising: ADS on blogsAbiralo, D., et al-Английский
2016Co-working in Belarus: general advantages and perspectivesAkhremchyk, Y., et al-Английский
2016Is there place for altruism in business?Amanova, M., et al-Английский
2016The global gold marketAntipov, A., et al-Английский
2016Geographical clustering of professional skillsArakelyants, Y., et al-Английский
2016Holacracy – new approach to corporate governanceBanderuk, E., et al-Английский
2016Guerrilla marketingBaranovskaya, A., et al-Английский
2016Billboard advertising or the secrets of a successful advertisementBeletskaya, A., et al-Английский
2016The era of on-demand marketingBobkova, V., et al-Английский
2016Problems of marketing communications or how to move the business from the dead pointChernous, S., et al-Английский
2016Behavioral economics: what drives our choices?Daniliuk, A., et al-Английский
2016The century of shoppertainmentDashuk, O., et al-Английский
2016Why is employer branding important?Dorontsova, D., et al-Английский
2016Managing cross-cultural diversity: a challenge for present and future organizationsDrachilovskaya, N., et al-Английский
2016Global economic integration and coffee productionEgorova, H., et al-Английский
2016Basic income: what it is and how it worksGolovko, E., et al-Английский
2016New trend marketing on the internet: what's that, and what does it do?Kanash, K., et al-Английский
2016Foreign direct investment in ASEANKhramets, A.-Английский
2016Memorable experience as a new economic offeringKievich, V., et al-Английский
2016Influence of geopolitical, social and cultural factors on adaptation marketing strategy (evidence from Iran cosmetics market)Kitik, V., et al-Английский
2016Neural networks in businessKonetsky, V. A., et al-Английский
2016The pacific alliance: looking at its pluses, minuses, and future prospectsKrakovyak, D., et al-Английский
2016Socially responsible investingKrestinina, A., et al-Английский
2016Does color really matter?Kuleshevich, M., et al-Английский
2016The hunger games of world economy: income inequalityLamakina, V., et al-Английский
2016Waste has value, or what is the sharing economy?Lavnikovich, A., et al-Английский
2016Tryvertising: the growing cult of "try before you buy"Levandovskaya, A., et al-Английский
2016The dark side of public relationsLichman, K., et al-Английский
2016Will islamic banking gain the whole world?Lizgunova, J., et al-Английский
2016The internet «bubble»Makutsevich, Y., et al-Английский
2016Event greening – a promising area of event managementMarkevich, D., et al-Английский
2016Effects of e-commerce on businessMashkanova, J., et al-Английский
2016Current trends of development of world economyMiheenko, A., et al-Английский
2016Slow food: health and aestheticsMisyuro, E., et al-Английский
2016South korean stock exchangeMolchan, Y., et al-Английский
2016Offshore outsourcing as one of the driving forces of globalizationNovitskaya, M., et al-Английский
2016Business promotion on the InternetOskerko, K., et al-Английский
20162016, Предисловие. ECON-2016: world economy and international business--Английский
2016Direct marketing: advantages and disadvantagesRiabchinskaya, E., et al-Английский
2016Professional standards as a source of harmony between education and labor marketsSeliuzhitskaya, D., et al-Английский
2016OPEC: new oil coalitionShashuro, A., et al-Английский
2016Tied aid as a financial strategyShyshko, V., et al-Английский
20162016, Содержание. ECON - 2016: world economy and international business--Английский
2016SMM use for promotion of educational services (in the context of Astrakhan state university)Solovkina, M., et al-Английский
2016The future it sphere in BelarusStankevich, M., et al-Английский
20162016, Титульный лист. ECON - 2016: world economy and international business--Английский
2016Formation of tourist cluster in the Astrakhan region as a tool for the development of internal tourism in RussiaVazhova, E., et al-Английский
2016Porter's five forces in the belarusian marketVoronina, A., et al-Английский
2016Special economic zonesYakuta, V., et al-Английский
2016Migrants in Germany: charity gesture or calculation?Yatskevich, D., et al-Английский

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