Browsing "2022" by Submit Date

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2022Nouveau format pour les auditeurs de radio FranceLashutka, V. A., et alArticleФранцузский
2022Financialization as a tendency towards international relationsMarkova, A., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Диабет и его влияние на социально-экономическую ситуацию на МальдивахМариям Афа Ахмед, et alArticleРусский
2022Corporate audit: foreign experienceLikhacheva, E., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Differences between American and British English as a reflection of differences in mentalitiesMarkhaliuk, E., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Internet marketing. Types of internet marketingLavrinovich, А., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Internet slang in modern communicationMeleshko, D., et alArticleАнглийский
2022De-globalization: new challenges for the world economyMasuragin, P. V., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Ethics and business customs in JapanLynko, D., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Modern trends and methods for assessing the effectiveness of project managemenOstrovskaya, D., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Das problem der arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland und Belarus. Die staatliche unterstützung für arbeitsloseMendeleva, A., et alArticleНемецкий
2022Sheep farming in Australia as a high-tech businessMalyuzhenets, А., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Die gesellschaftspolitische entwicklung der Europäischen union in der heutigen phaseMironov, А., et alArticleНемецкий
2022Actionyms as an essential part of cultureNazarova, А., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Specifity of business in a changing labor marketMastovich, V., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Digitalization in economicsMironov, V., et alArticleАнглийский
2022PMP in Portugal: «golden visa» and new restrictionsOsmolovskaya, E., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Efficiency of internet resouces in students’ communicative competence developmentPavlova, Y., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Business culture of Tailand: characteristics and featuresMetlushko, H., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Marketingkommunikation und PR-aktivitäten am beispiel der GMBH «Solveit»Pilipejko, X., et alArticleНемецкий
2022To the problem of restaurant business organizationMikhailau, K., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Linguistic forecasting: the world language of the futurePushchaenko, A., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Education of the Republic of Belarus in the «covid» eraRudozub, T., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Sweden as a suitable base for business developmentSavchenko, E., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Entering the international marketRyabtseva, Y., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Global economy trends: competing in a new era of globalizationSmeliakova, A., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Efficiency of foreign economic activity enterprisesRyzhko, E., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Trigger-marketing is a modern trend in the global economyRovnejko, М., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Specification of Belarusian-Korean communication in the sphere of businessArsenovich, M., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Socio-cultural environment in international businessBykova, D., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Internet and youth-born modifications in European languagesSerko, A., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Sustainable tourism and cultural sustainability, the perspective of the villages of Italy and SardiniaConcas, E., et alArticleАнглийский
2022The tourism industry during a pandemicDzmitryieva, V., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Remote work: forced measure or a new realityGordey, P., et alArticleАнглийский
2022The influence of mentality and religion on doing business in Arab countriesMitskevich, A., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Virtual tourism development as a trend during the pandemic COVID-19Sivets, A., et alArticleАнглийский
2022El papel del emprendimiento femenino en la economía de EspañaShaban, K., et alArticleИспанский
2022Dress code todayHaputsina, Y., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Why environmental friendliness is profitableHaputsina, Y., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Die quest-exkursionen als mittel der kulturellen bildung von jugendlichen: möglichkeiten in Deutschland und BelarusScherbatsch, E., et alArticleНемецкий
2022What brands got promotion with the help of influencers?Obuhova, Y., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Globalization as one of the major factors that has influenced the modern world economySidorovich, E., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Current trends in political and economic development of countriesShevtsova, D., et alArticleАнглийский
2022The influence of economic background on quality of lifeShilkovskaya, V., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Bundestagswahl 2021: politischer wechselSilina, K., et alArticleНемецкий
2022Starting a business in England: difficulties and comparisonsSyrytskaya, A., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Analysis of development and rights to engage in entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of BelarusSemianiyuk, I., et alArticleАнглийский
2022State regulation of small-sized enterprises in the Republic of BelarusSafanovich, K. Yu., et alArticleАнглийский
2022Изучение политики занятости Китая и Республики БеларусьСунь Ци, et alArticleРусский
2022Features of the labor market during the pandemicRomanovich, A., et alArticleАнглийский

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