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Titre: SPHERE System
Auteur(s): Turgut, B.
Aydin, N.
Turgut, D.
Mots-clés: цифровая экономика;программное обеспечение;программная система;software;software system
Date de publication: 2001
Editeur: Белорусский государственный экономический университет
Language: Английский
Type: Article
Référence bibliographique: Turgut, B. SPHERE System / B. Turgut, N. Aydin, D. Turgut // Информационные сети, системы и технологии = Information Networks, Systems and Technologies : в 3 кн. Кн.1 : Труды международной конференции ICINASTe'2001, Минск, 2-4 октября 2001 г. : на англ. яз. / Ред.: А.Н. Морозевич [и др.]. - Мн. : БГЭУ, 2001. - С. 177-182.
Résumé: Current computer simulations focus on the visual and auditory senses; yet fail to deal with physical sensations such as motion and orientation. The simulation environment must be able to incorporate these sensations in order to model more closely to the real world. SPHERE System brings a new level of realism through the incorporation of physical sensations to virtual reality applications. This provides a more interactive learning environment for the educational centers, a more interactive gaming environment for the entertainment industry and an alternative simulator basis for military training.
ISBN: 985-426-692-3
Collection(s) :Информационные сети, системы и технологии = Information Networks, Systems and Technologies

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