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Title: The impact of changes in the labor market for structured products
Authors: Hadas-Dyduch, M.
Keywords: banking product;structured product;labor market;банковский продукт;структурированный продукт;рынок труда
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Энциклопедикс
Language: Английский
Type: Thesis
Citation: Hadas-Dyduch, M. The impact of changes in the labor market for structured products / M. Hadas-Dyduch // Национальная и региональная экономика, государственное и местное управление: проблемы, исследования, перспективы = National and regional economy, public administration and local management: problems, researches, perspectives : сборник научных статей 1-ой Международной научно-практической конференции. Вып. I / Белорусский гос. экон. ун-т, каф. нац. экономики и гос. упр.; ООО «Лаборатория интеллекта» ; [редкол.: Е.Б. Дорина и др.]. - Минск : Энциклопедикс, 2013. – С. 74-82.
Abstract: The analysis paper is structured deposit, in other words, the structure, which consists of several modules. One element is a bond that does not involve any financial risk. The second element of the investment is fraught with risk - a fund or option. Furthermore, the article is an implementation of the unemployment rate in the banking product, which in the presented analysis is structured deposit.
ISBN: 978-985-6958-95-6
Appears in Collections:2013

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