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2012 [116]
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 116
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 116
Recent Submissions
- 2012, Титульный лист. Мир в XXI веке: экономические, политические и социокультурные аспекты
- Tourism destination brands
- Social stratification: who gets what and why?
- Dress code as the factor of effective doing business
- Neologisms in modern business English
- Asymmetric information on the marriage market
- Women in politics
- Partnership between universities and businesses as a labour market stabilizer
- Discapacidad: "Exclusion, discriminacion e indiferencia" como solucionarlo?
- Las fusiones y adquisiones en America Latina
- 23 экономика Беларуси
- 16 economy of Belarus
- 9 business
- 9 бизнес
- 8 туризм
- 6 tourism
- 6 интернет
- 6 языкознание
- 5 Internet
- 5 linguistics
- next >
Date issued
- 116 2012
Has File(s)
- 116 true