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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2011Pacjent w aspekcie marketingu 3.0Lewandowska, H.-Польский
2019PAEI managementKrotovich, P.; Lishko, A.ArticleАнглийский
2023El papel de los memes en la popularización de la vacunación en el espacio comunicativo de América LatinaKukharchuk, A.; Кухарчук, А. В.ArticleИспанский
2001Paradoxical dollar phenomenon: тне U.S. Enrichment & thе european impoverishment & vice versaМитрофанов, В.; Mitrofanov, V.-Английский
2019Parallel import: is it worth?Stanulevich, N.; Seliuzhitskaya, D., et alThesisАнглийский
2023Partial query provocative tactic in TV interviewKuchura, S.; Кучура, С. С.ArticleАнглийский
2022Participation aux projets internationaux comme un tremplin d’apprendre l’interculturalitéStarovoïtova, K.; Старовойтова, К. А.ArticleФранцузский
2022Particularidades de hacer negocios en países centrados en los hechos, las relaciones o la confianzaKudelka, A.; Veraksa, V., et alArticleИспанский
2024Particularités de la pratique des affaires et de l'activité entrepreneuriale en République du BélarusAntonov, Y.; Антонов, Я. И.ArticleФранцузский
2022Particularities of CRM-systems implementation in small businessShylovich, U.; Шилович, У. В.ArticleАнглийский
2019Particularities of the implementation of a Single window mechanism in the Eurasian Economic UnionMitrachovich, Y.; Yatsko, N., et alThesisАнглийский
2012Partnership between universities and businesses as a labour market stabilizerЖерносек, А. В.-Английский
2023Partnership of Belarus and China in the field of healthcareEvdokimchik, K. V.ArticleАнглийский
2018Partnerships on the example of Belarusian petrol stationLamaka, Y.ArticleАнглийский
2023Passwordless authentication: are we ready to give up passwords?Drozdova, O.; Mashei, L.ArticleАнглийский
2019Peculiarities of applying universal basic income in different countriesSamosadova, D.ArticleАнглийский
2019Peculiarities of applying universal basic income in different countriesSamosadova, D.; Самосадова, Д. А.ThesisАнглийский
2024Peculiarities of doing buisness in ChinaYanushko, E.; Янушко, Е. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2023Peculiarities of doing business in BelarusLukashina, A.; Лукашина, А. М.ArticleАнглийский
2023Peculiarities of doing business in Belarus and ChinaKrivosheina, V.; Kuchinskaya, A., et alArticleАнглийский
2024Peculiarities of doing business in countries and regions of the worldRasolko, A.; Расолько, А. С.ArticleАнглийский
2021Peculiarities of doing business in different countriesChernyavskaya, E.; Чернявская, Е. С.ArticleАнглийский
2023Peculiarities of doing business in East AsiaKoshel, A.; Кошель, А. Ю.ArticleАнглийский
2020Peculiarities of doing business in franchise in the Republic of BelarusKazakova, E.; Melchenko, D., et alArticleАнглийский
2024Peculiarities of doing business in GeorgiaKozinets, Y.; Козинец, Ю. М.ArticleАнглийский
2024Peculiarities of doing business in IndiaLapko, A.; Лапко, А. А.ArticleАнглийский
2017Peculiarities of doing business in some countries and particularly in BelarusКлочек, В. В.; Гайдук, Л. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2019Peculiarities of doing business in SwitzerlandAksenchik, A.; Аксенчик, А. В.ThesisАнглийский
2022Peculiarities of doing business in SwitzerlandRazzhyvina, A.; Разживина, А. В.ArticleАнглийский
2020Peculiarities of doing business in the Republic of BelarusZaitseva, M.; Зайцева, М. Н.ArticleАнглийский
2023Peculiarities of doing business in the Republic of BelarusBlizniuk, E.; Близнюк, Е. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2024Peculiarities of doing business in the Republic of BelarusSheuko, I.; Шевко, И. В.ArticleАнглийский
2012Peculiarities of hostile mergers and takeoversБичун, А. Н.; Лепешкевич, Ю. А.-Английский
2022Peculiarities of running business in SingaporeBalobina, M.; Балобина, М. А.ArticleАнглийский
2009Peculiarities of social-economic orientation of economics students in GeorgiaTutisani, М.ThesisАнглийский
2012Peculiarities of the stabilization policy in Azerbaijan under the financial crisisГаджиев, А. Г.-Английский
2015Peculiarities of wordplay devices in American and british advertisements = Особенности реализации приемов языковой игры в рекламе США и ВеликобританииPalubinski, P.ThesisАнглийский
2001Peculiarity of graph coloring in decomposition of a system of incompletely specified boolean functionsPottosin, Yu.; Shestakov, E.ArticleАнглийский
2021Pedagogy and entrepreneurship in a globalizationNaumchik, V. N.ArticleАнглийский
2020-10-27Pedagogy and psychology of higher education : academic curriculum for the course at a higher education establishment for the following specialties: 1-26 80 03 “Business Administration”, 1-25 80 05 “Accounting, Analysis, and Audit”, 1-26 80 05 “Marketing”, 1-25 80 02 “World Economy”Maslov, Y. V.; Andaralo, A. I.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2021Peer assessment to develop writing skills via moodleRymanova, I.; Рыманова, И. Е.ArticleАнглийский
2018Perfeccionando la gramática españolaМардыко, М. Н.; Дыро, Е. В., et alBookИспанский
2017Perfomance Management : electronic educational-methodical complex for undergraduates in the specialty 1-25 81 05 "Accounting, Analysis and Auditing"Kuhto, J. J.; Pankov, D. A., et alLearning Object-
2017-10-31Performance management : the higher education curriculum (training program) on an academic discipline for the specialty 1-25 81 06 «Accounting, analysis and audit»Kuhto, J. J.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2011Performance of the lawyer as a mediator concerning assistance to the parties in settlement of legal disputeKindlrov, A. A.-Русский
2007Personalizacjajako narzedzie marketingu internetowegoMalachowski, А.ThesisПольский
2023Personalization in marketingLipovkina, E.; Grom, M.ArticleАнглийский
2022Personnel marketingOvsyanik, D.; Овсяник, Д. В.ArticleАнглийский
2021Personnel resistance to changes and methods of its overcomingKamenets, A.ArticleАнглийский
2011Perspectivas del dólar y el euroШенаева, В. В.; Shenaeva, V. V.-Испанский
2002-04-18Perspective berufe in EuropaМорозова, Ю. В.; Morozova, Yu. V.ThesisНемецкий
2022Perspective types of energy storageЛебедев, А. С.ArticleАнглийский
2024Perspectives for the development of linguistic and cultural dialogue in the Belarusian-Chinese partnershipTang Ziqian; Kaidanovskaya, Y. S.ArticleАнглийский
2006Perspectives of alternative tourism in BelarusКраснобережский, И. А.; Krasnoberezhskiy, I. A.-Английский
2024Pharmaceutical industry in India: present positions and economic outlookPetrenko, M.; Петренко, М. С.ArticleАнглийский
2022The phenomenon of leadership and the quality of a modern leaderFerrante, D.; Voitova, V. S.ArticleАнглийский
2022Philosophy : electronic educational-methodical complex for studentsГоловач, А. А.; Вашко, О. А., et alLearning ObjectАнглийский
2022-12-28Philosophy : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic disciplineGolovach, A. A.; Vashko, O. A., et alLearning ObjectАнглийский
2023Philosophy and methodology of science : electronic educational-methodical complex for undergraduatesГриневич, Е. А.; Доброродний, Д. Г., et alLearning ObjectАнглийский
2023-04-04Philosophy and Methodology of Science : the program-minimum of the candidate examination in general educationDobrorodny, D. G.; Golovach, A. A., et alLearning ObjectАнглийский
2020-12-21Philosophy and Methodology of Science : the program-minimum of the candidate examination in general educationLukashevich, V. K.; Zubko, M. V.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2023Phraseological translation as a way of imagery preserving in mediated intercultural communicationYurkevich, L.; Юркевич, Л. В.ArticleАнглийский
2020Phrases and idioms with body-part terms in e-dictionaries of English (on example of the upper limbs parts nominations)Al najm, M. S.ArticleАнглийский
2022Place branding tools and applicationKozlova, N.ArticleАнглийский
2022Plakatkunst als material zur erforschung der besonderheiten interkultureller kommunikation (am beispiel von werbeplakaten in Frankreich und der UDSSR)Birilo, K.; Бирило, К. И.ArticleНемецкий
2015Planned obsolesсence – products designed to failLevandovskaya, A.; Pichits, P.-Английский
2002-04-18Planning an optimal advertising budgetПримшиц, Н. Б.; Primshic, N. B.Thesisанглийский
2024Planning revenue from the sale of services to a tourism organizationVydra, N.; Выдра, Н. С.ArticleАнглийский
2017Plastic card fraudShumskaya, A. Y.; Mazyuk, O. S., et alThesisАнглийский
2000Plastic moneyКраснов, Ю. Е.ThesisАнглийский
2022Plastic packaging solutions: 5 ways to reduce pollutionKapitanova, D. A.ArticleАнглийский
2019PME et innovationsBeliaev, G.; Grabovets, N., et alThesisФранцузский
2022PMP in Portugal: «golden visa» and new restrictionsOsmolovskaya, E.; Осмоловская, Е. О.ArticleАнглийский
2021Policies for human resource development in science and technology: lessons from some asian countriesDao Thi Thu ThuyArticleАнглийский
2015Policies to attract foreign direct investmentMalyakova, M.; Sergachyova, A.-Английский
2023Policy measures to cope with tax compliance: behavioral determinantsNosova, А.ArticleАнглийский
2024Policy of foreign countries in the field of digitalization: experience of India, Germany and BrazilShiryaevsky, D.; Ширяевский, Д. С.ArticleАнглийский
2012Political manipulationШохова, В. А.; Shohova, V. A.ThesisРусский
2024Politique migratoire en FranceSimankova, K.; Khinevitch, A., et alArticleФранцузский
2002Polityka rozwoju wobec wsi i rolnictwa jako element makroekonomicznej polityki państwaGrzelak, S.ArticleПольский

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