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Showing results 428 to 487 of 9889 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2017The essence of the process of bifurcation in lawБородуля, А. А., et alThesisАнглийский
2002-04-18The euro maid an historic leap into the walletsИвановский, А. А.ThesisАнглийский
2019The evolution of attitudes of corporate social responsibilityHarfoush, N. H.ThesisАнглийский
2019The external debt of the USA – only american problem?Pankevich, E., et alThesisАнглийский
2022The governance concept of China`s personal information protection under blockchainChen MengdiThesisАнглийский
2019The impact of beauty standards on societyNovik, A., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The importance of building customer loyaltyYermolovich, K., et alThesisАнглийский
2017The intergenerational workforce: how does it work?Silchukova, A. T.ThesisАнглийский
2019The introduction of computer technology in learning foreign languagesSidorenko, K., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The Japanese business administration styleDashko, A., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The language means of expressing the category of subjective modality in the articles of English-language newspapersKrasovskaya, С., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The meaning of study abroad for Meisei students from an ecological perspectiveMisaki Furusawa, et alThesisАнглийский
2019The military and industrial development of the Republic of Belarus for 20 yearsZiabko, N., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The modern humanitarian problems of a Global Information Society devlopmentFedorchenko, A., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The opportunities of hotel chainsSilivonets, P., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The origin and structural classification of phraseological units with the “law” in the English languageVlasenko, E., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The participation of the Republic of Belarus in international military exhibitionsVakuliuk, O., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The problem of refugees in the modern worldKonovalenko, A., et alThesisАнглийский
2022The problems and countermeasures in the construction of court informatizationWu KunlinThesisАнглийский
2022The problems of the Chinese e-government modelZheng JiachunThesisАнглийский
2019The reliable patch to succesful entrepreneurshipGordeeva, K., et alThesisАнглийский
2015The role of fertilizers: production in Belarus as the key factor of economic growthМилинкевич, А. И.ThesisАнглийский
2019The role of foreign languages in the modern Belarusian societySlavenko, D. I., et alThesisАнглийский
2014The role of human rights law clinic in the realization of the right for an effective remedyDeshko, L. N., et alThesisАнглийский
2018The role of key competences in higher educationShokanova, D.ThesisРусский
2018The role of services in global value chainsГлухова, Н. М.ThesisАнглийский
2019The shadow market. Illegal weapon trafficSkobyalko, N., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The stereotyped core of the concepts Russia and Belarus through the prism of Belarusian studentsBogdan, V., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The system of discounts in trade businessMatyushonok, E., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The types of managers and their communicative productivityHodorenko, O., et alThesisАнглийский
2019The “green” economy - our way to futureKonchevskaya, N., et alThesisАнглийский
2017Think tank: he who owns the information, owns the worldDoroshkevich, A. V.ThesisАнглийский
2022Three stages of the development of e-government from in ChinaZuo WeiminThesisАнглийский
2019To the problem of Human Rights violations in the DPRKNekrashevich, E., et alThesisАнглийский
2007To thе question of mistake managementАдинцова, А. И.ThesisАнглийский
2019Tourismusbericht der Bundesregierung - besonderneiten and die wichtigsten aspektePrilutskaya, K., et alThesisНемецкий
2018Trade in goods between Belarus and APTA countriesОжигина, В. В., et alThesisАнглийский
2019Traditions of countries as a key to do businessAntonow, A., et alThesisАнглийский
2019Transformation of non-place into place as business strategySpasskikh, D., et alThesisАнглийский
2018Translation of substandard language within a franework of political discourseKravchuk, A., et alThesisАнглийский
2019Types of English borrowings in the modern Chinese languageFedorova, O., et alThesisАнглийский
2019Uberisation: la roulte la construction de l'uber-etat?Shilova, A., et alThesisФранцузский
2019Unilateral measures (countermeasures) in the framework of international economic responsibilityRadzivonau, K., et alThesisАнглийский
2000Unterhaltungsindustrie in der Republik BelarusКрюковская, Д. А.ThesisНемецкий
2007Up-dated belarus-eu advantageous of trade-economic cooperationBelitski, М. Е.ThesisАнглийский
2019US withdrawal from UNESCO: reason and consequencesKozlovskaya, M., et alThesisАнглийский
2007Var-type measures application for risk analysis of a project in the energy generating sectorCulik, M.ThesisАнглийский
2019Vectores de integration política de Venezuela y BielorrusiaSakovich, A., et alThesisИспанский
2019Verbalización de las estrategias comunicativas en el discurso político presidencial en TwitterSavitskaya, A., et alThesisИспанский
2019Die vergleichende analyse des kulturerbes von Belarus und DeutschlandSmetanko, A., et alThesisНемецкий
2006Verwaltung fur waldwirtschaft am Beispiel des Undrslandes BayernПарменова, Ю. О.ThesisНемецкий
2019Virtual linguacultural environment in the universityVolskaya, E., et alThesisАнглийский
2019Virtual supply chains as a business function systemAvechkina, V.ThesisАнглийский
2006Vliv vstupu CR do EU — nazory manazeru firem ve zpracovatelsкem prumysluBrenova, L., et alThesisЧешский
2019Von Dublin III zu Dublin IV - der wichtigste weg zum ausgang aus der FlüchtlingskriseMakatrevitsch, P., et alThesisНемецкий
2015Wachstumsfreundliche innovationspolitik. Wichtigste HandlungsfelderБайко, А. А.ThesisНемецкий
2003Web-технология сетевого курса «Основы информатики и вычислительной техники»Морозевич, А. Н., et alThesisРусский
2015Weg in die Selbstiindigkeit: belarussische und deutsche Erfahrung in der E-Commerce funrungМуравицкая, А. М., et alThesisНемецкий
2007What a brand is and the laws of brandingЗайцева, А. Д.ThesisАнглийский
2019What does downgrading mean? Examining communication among Japanese and non-JapaneseMayuna Ninomiya, et alThesisАнглийский

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