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Título : Business education for ‘peoplism’
Autor : Flowers, A.
Palabras clave : business education;capital investment;investment orientation;бизнес-образование
Fecha de publicación : 2000
Editorial : Белорусский государственный экономический университет
Language: Английский
Type: Thesis
Citación : Flowers, A. Business education for ‘peoplism’ / A. Flowers // Международное образование и партнерство : тезисы докладов Международной конференции в рамках проекта Регионального академического партнерства (REAP), Минск, 17-18 ноября 2000 г. – Минск : БГЭУ, 2000. – С. 7-11.
Resumen : Business education which includes an explicit programme of personal development and human resource management is essential to maximise the effectiveness of graduates who enter businesses where the main investment, and value of the business,is in the employees. This paper discusses the educational implications of the worldwide shift of importance from capital investment, or capitalism, to human resource investment, — or ‘peoplism'. Many educational establishments in transitional economies already recognize the change in business and economics subject content which such a new investment orientation involves. However, challenges still exist for universities to incorporate more appropriate active learning and assessment methods to match these developments. Sharing of the best practices in assessment methods, case study development, and personal skills development will help disseminate enhanced business education practices for ‘peoplism’.
URI : http://edoc.bseu.by:8080/handle/edoc/86328
ISBN : 985-426-634-6
Aparece en las colecciones: Международное образование и партнерство

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