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Titel: Problems of the concept SRT of, a training center of the company
Autoren: Krasnov, S. A.
Sergeeva, N. I.
Stichwörter: remote teaching;information technologies;remote formation;дистанционное обучение;информационные технологии
Erscheinungsdatum: 2001
Herausgeber: Белорусский государственный экономический университет
Language: Английский
Type: Article
Zitierform: Krasnov, S. A. Problems of the concept SRT of, a training center of the company / S. A. Krasnov, N. I. Sergeeva // Информационные сети, системы и технологии = Information Networks, Systems and Technologies : труды VII международной конференции ICINASTe'2001, Минск, 2-4 октября 2001 г. В 3 т. Т.3. / Под ред. А. Н. Морозевича, Е. В. Хандогиной. – Минск : БГЭУ, 2001. – С. 231-236.
Zusammenfassung: The system of remote teaching has built up a reputation for itself as most effective when it is required to cover a maximum audience at restricted resources. The remote teaching can be described as the modem form of correspondence teaching on the basis of new information technologies and systems multimedia. The modern means of telecommunication and means multimedia, methodology of remote teaching allow to overcome defects of the traditional correspondence form of teaching, saving thus all of its dignity: mass scope of an audience, absence of housing problems and ... Ensuring thus padding economies on travelling and living expenses teaching, that results in considerable decrease of cost of teaching of the experts of the Company.
ISBN: 985-426-694-X
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Информационные сети, системы и технологии = Information Networks, Systems and Technologies

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