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Titel: Data Interoperability In a EMC Simulation Software Tool
Autoren: Cheremisinov, D.
Charamisinau, I.
Stichwörter: программное обеспечение;программные системы;программирование;проектирование;software;software systems;programming
Erscheinungsdatum: 2001
Herausgeber: Белорусский государственный экономический университет
Language: Английский
Type: Article
Zitierform: Cheremisinov, D. Data Interoperability In a EMC Simulation Software Tool / D. Cheremisinov, I. Charamisinau // Информационные сети, системы и технологии = Information Networks, Systems and Technologies : в 3 кн. Кн.1 : Труды международной конференции ICINASTe'2001, Минск, 2-4 октября 2001 г. : на англ. яз. / Ред.: А.Н. Морозевич [и др.]. - Мн. : БГЭУ, 2001. - С. 172-176.
Zusammenfassung: We present a domain-independent model of software system design and construction that is based on interchangeable software components and large-scale reuse. The model is a successful example of software component/building-block technologies. Building-block technologies exploit large-scale reuse, rely on open architecture software, and elevate the granularity of programming to the subsystem level. Considerable work is being done in this area, but the trend is toward object-oriented integration facilities, spearheaded by the Object Management Group's CORBA[l] standard and Microsoft's COM[2] dispatch and automation facilities. One (namely COM) of these current, highly visible, wellpublicized efforts is discussed in this paper.
ISBN: 985-426-692-3
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Информационные сети, системы и технологии = Information Networks, Systems and Technologies

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