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Title: Developing links between universities and business: new directions
Authors: Hobrough, J.
Keywords: universities;business;development of relations;учебные программы;экономические потребности;инновационные разработки
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Белорусский государственный экономический университет
Language: Английский
Type: Article
Citation: Hobrough, J. Developing links between universities and business: new directions / J. Hobrough // Управление образованием в условиях переходной экономики : Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, Мн., 1-2 марта 2002 г.: На рус. и англ. яз. / БГЭУ, Ун-т Сэрри (Великобритания); Редкол.: С.В. Шаврук (отв.ред.) и др. - Мн. : БГЭУ, 2002. - С. 5-14.
Abstract: An analysis of the needs of business within Belarus compared to other selected countries within Europe shows that Universities need to respond, through innovative curriculum development, to the economic need. The importance of developing skills and competencies through work experience for students is highlighted alongside the need to provide continuing professional development and technology transfer for partner businesses. The partnership activities between Belarus State Economic University and the University of Surrey, UK, through the REAP initiative, described in this paper provide а model for developing future links between higher education and business.
ISBN: 985-426-722-9
Appears in Collections:Управление образованием в условиях переходной экономики

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