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Título : The impact of thatcherism on the world economy
Autor : Belko, V.
Velentei, A.
Palabras clave : экономическая политика;история политики;тэтчеризм;Тэтчер М.;history of politics
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Editorial : Belarus State Economic University
Language: Английский
Type: Article
Citación : Belko, V. The impact of thatcherism on the world economy / V. Belko, A. Velentei; science tutor L. Bedritskaya // ECON-2023: World Economy and International Business : abstracts of the First International Student Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of BSEU, Minsk, April 14, 2023 / Belarus State Economic University, etc. – Minsk, 2023. – P. 15-16.
URI : http://edoc.bseu.by:8080/handle/edoc/100729
Aparece en las colecciones: 2023

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