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ErscheinungsdatumTitelBeteiligte Person(en)DokumenttypLanguage
2023Bespoke Trends in Infrastructure Development of EAEUPodobed, N. А.; Enin, Y. I.ArticleАнглийский
2015Bicycle parkings. Their role in the life of societyЕрмалович, М. В.ThesisАнглийский
2018Big Data as a marketing tool in the modern businessNovikava, H.; Sorokina, A.I.ArticleАнглийский
2019Bilingualism as an integrating toolParfeniuk, K.; Парфенюк, К. А.ThesisАнглийский
2022Biohacking: the scientific branch of businessKolosovskaya, J.; Колосовская, Ю. Ю.ArticleАнглийский
2023Blend vs бленд in the main module of the Russian National CorpusShulga, P.; Шульга, П. А.ArticleАнглийский
2021BlockchainSilvanovich, A.ArticleАнглийский
2021Blockchain changes the worldKishko, I.ArticleАнглийский
2021Blockchain technology as revolution in bankingGutovets, A.; Pustoshilo, Y.; Гутовец, А. М.; Пустошило, Ю. А.ArticleАнглийский
2021Blockchain vs banksBarsava, Ya.; Silina, K.ArticleАнглийский
2018Blockchain: the new era of economy in BelarusSamosadova, D.; Kleiner L. N.ArticleАнглийский
2020Blogging as a tool of marketing communication in ChinaEkadumova, I. I.; Zhang TianThesisАнглийский
2015Blue ocean strategy: history and real life examplesKrakovyak, D.-Английский
2012Body language in businessЛаркович, Е. С.-Английский
2019Boost creativity through digital storytellingMalashenko, E. A.; Ivanenko, G. L.ThesisАнглийский
2012Borrowings from the english language and borrowings in english from russianОколович, М. О.-Английский
2014Boundary Control in Large Scale Distributed Gas Transportation Network SystemsDymkou, S.; Dymkov, M.ArticleАнглийский
2022Bounded rationality in decision making processAgheyeva, K.ArticleАнглийский
2002Brain drain in Belarus and RussiaПетроченко, В. В.; Протосовицкая, Л. В.ArticleАнглийский
2020Brain drain in Belarus vs can dreams come true in your country?Medvedenko, D.; Neusikhina, V.ArticleАнглийский
2012Brain drain: phenomenon of todayРубанов, Е. Н.-Английский
2023Brain drain: types, causes and possible solutions to the problemRatnikova, D.; Ратникова, Д. С.ArticleАнглийский
2023Brand as a tool to create a competitive advantage for the companyOlshevskaya, K.; Sokolovskaya, E.ArticleАнглийский
2019Brand in modern economyОмелько, Д. А.; Ахрамович, М. М.ArticleАнглийский
2019Branding influenced by manufacturer / customer interaction on the SNS (a case study of Japanese & German automobile manufacturers in China)Вэньинг Лонг; Wanying LongThesisАнглийский
2015Breakfast at MCDonald’s or how to survive in the global marketplaceAlizarchik, S.; Lukashevich, A.-Английский
2024Breaking Barriers: Strategies for Effective Cross-Cultural Communication in International BusinessКирильчик, Т. К.ArticleАнглийский
2019Brexit: a blessing or a curse?Litvin, L.; Литвин, Е. А.ThesisАнглийский
2002Britain’s industrial competitivenessРудак, А. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2019Budgeting : electronic educational-methodical complex for undergraduates in the specialty 1-25 80 05 "Accounting, Analysis and Auditing"Pankov, D. A.; Kuhto, J. J.; Панков, Д. А.; Кухто, Ю. Ю.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019-10-24Budgeting : the higher education curriculum (training program) on an academic discipline for the specialty 1-25 80 05 «Accounting, analysis and audit»Pankov, D. A.; Kukhto, Yu. Yu.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2022Build up your active vocabulary : учебно-методическое пособие по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для студентов 1 курса ФКТИЧерняк, Е. В.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2024Building relationships with Chinese partners: specifics of doing business in ChinaEvtukhov, N.; Евтухов, Н. В.ArticleАнглийский
2021Bullwhip effect in information technology supply chain management during COVID-19Zlotskaya, P.ArticleАнглийский
2020Business analysis: structure, features and degree of development in the Republic of BelarusShvetsova, E.; Швецова, Е. А.ArticleАнглийский
2017Business and economic crimeЛукшо, Д. А.; Дроздова, С. С.ArticleАнглийский
2019Business coachingKuzmina, K.ArticleАнглийский
2015Business Communication : конспект лекций для магистрантовСлепович, В. С.; Slepovich, V. S.-Английский
2023Business communication in Arab world and its featuresГончарик, П. С.; Куровский, М. М.ArticleАнглийский
2022Business communications: features of collective bargainingSelivonchick, A.; Titovich, A.; Селивончик, А. И.; Титович, А. С.ArticleАнглийский
2021Business conflict from future managers’ perspectivePodzharaya, K.; Karpuk, S.; Поджарая, К. Д.; Карпук, С. В.ArticleАнглийский
2022Business culture of Tailand: characteristics and featuresMetlushko, H.; Метлушко, Е. С.ArticleАнглийский
2024Business development on the social network InstagramKolotilkina, A.; Колотилкина, А. Ю.ArticleАнглийский
2017Business development or marketing communicationsMordukhai, K.; Sudas, K.ThesisАнглийский
2000Business education for ‘peoplism’Flowers, A.ThesisАнглийский
2021Business education in digital reality – Hegel’s approach in the era of hypertextTsarik, A.ArticleАнглийский
2019Business environment of global companies : electronic educational-methodical complex for undergraduates in the specialty 1-25 80 02 "World Economy"Праневич, А. А.; Петрушкевич, Е. Н.; Вашкевич, Ю. Б.; Гаращенко, Е. А.; Мартинович, Е. А.; Мурадян, К. Б.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019Business Ethics in International Tourism : electronic educational-methodical complex for undergraduates in the specialty 1-25 80 01 «Economics»Ежель, О. В.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019-06-28Business ethics in the international tourism : syllabus for Master's program specialization 1-25 80 01 «Economy»Yezhel, A. V.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2020Business in BelarusSiauruk, K.ArticleАнглийский


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