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Titel: Philosophy : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline
For the specialties: 1-23 01 02 "Linguistic support of intercultural communications (by directions)", 1-23 01 05 "Sociology", 1-23 01 04 "Psychology", 1-23 01 06 "Political Science (by directions)", 1-24 01 02 "Jurisprudence", 1-25 01 01 "Economic Theory", 1-25 01 02 "Economics", 1-25 01 03 "World Economy", 1-25 01 04 "Finance and credit", 1-25 01 05 "Statistics", 1-25 01 07 "Economics and management at the enterprise", 1-25 01 08 "Accounting, analysis and audit (by directions)", 1 25 01 09 "Commodity science and examination of goods", 1-25 01 10 "Commercial activity", 1-25 01 12 "Economic informatics", 1-25 01 13 "Economics and management of the tourism industry", 1-25 01 14 "Commodity science and trade entrepreneurship", 1-25 01 15 "National Economy", 1-25 01 16 "Economics and Management in the real estate market", 1-26 01 01 "Public Administration", 1-26 02 01 "Business Administration", 1-26 02 02 "Management (by direction)", 1-26 02 03 "Marketing", 1-26 02 05 "Logistics", 1-26 02 06 "Advertising activity", 1-31 03 06 02 "Economic cybernetics (by directions)"
Autoren: Golovach, A. A.
Vashko, O. A.
Shendrik, V. G.
Erscheinungsdatum: 28-Dez-2022
Herausgeber: Belarus State Economic University
Language: Английский
Type: Learning Object
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:_Действующие программы учебных дисциплин

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