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Showing results 65459 to 65518 of 68469 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2001Fuzzy-based multicriterial optimization of economic and ecological systemDymova, L.; Chegerova, T.; Sevastianov, D.; Sevastianov, P.ArticleАнглийский
2017Future of the blockchain in bankingParkhanovich, A. Y.; Gaiduckevich, D. S.ThesisАнглийский
2022Future of experience economyMiroshnikova, K.ArticleАнглийский
2011Future of car market: electricity vs. gasolineМанжела, В. А.; Manzhela, V. A.-Английский
2023Die funktionsmerkmale der negationsmittel im Deutschen und im RussischenAgnistikov, D.; Агнистиков, Д. О.ArticleНемецкий
2022-06-21Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Management : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline for the specialties: 1-25 01 03 «World Economy», 1-25 01 08 «Accounting, analysis and audit», 1-26 02 03 «Marketing»Zenkovich, V. A.; Sharapa, L. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019-12-27Fundamentals of Information Technology : the curriculum of higher education institutions disciplineSadovskaya, M. N.; Golenda, L. K.; Govyadinova, N. N.; Oskerko, V. S.; Zabrodskaya, K. A.; Gordich, A. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2022-10-24Fundamentals of Information Technology : minimum program of differentiated credit in general education disciplineSadovskaya, M. N.; Golenda, L. K.; Govyadinova, N. N.; Gordich, A. A.; Sochnikov, L. E.Learning ObjectРусский
2019Fundamentals of Information Technology : electronic educational-methodical complex for Master’s degree studentsСадовская, М. Н.; Голенда, Л. К.; Говядинова, Н. Н.; Бутер, А. П.; Матусевич, Н. Л.; Мартысевич, О. В.; Гордич, А. А.; Соколова, Н. А.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2021-05-04Fundamental Principles of Taxation : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the educational discipline for the specialty 1-25 80 02 «World Economy»Loukianova, I. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019Fundamental aspects of lean manufacturing as an improvement of product qualityLobanok, A.; Лобанок, А. И.ThesisАнглийский
2022Functions of shadow economyMakhkamov, D.ArticleАнглийский
2019Functioning of Biblicisms in modern EnglishShevchenko, B.; Шевченко, Б. С.ThesisАнглийский
2008Functional characteristics of intertextuality in media texts (exemplified by magazine headlines)Потятынык, У. А.; Potyatynyk, U. A.-Английский
2021Fulfillment services and logistics operations in e-commerceYerchak, O.ArticleАнглийский
2015Fuhrungsstil in DeutschlandКостюшкина, А. В.; Kostyushkina, A. V.ThesisНемецкий
2012From wildlife protection to international cooperation and mutual understandingПучинская, И. В.; Михайловская, Е. И.-Английский
2019From nose to tongue: the problem of categorizing odors in English and Russian languagesKsionzhyk, K.; Ксенжик, Е. А.ThesisАнглийский
2020From internet addiction to internet cultureVeremeenko, S.ArticleАнглийский
2023From farm to tableKhvoinitskaya, V. G.; Markhotskaya, D. O.ArticleАнглийский
2023From cave paintings to graffiti: youths’ attempts to communicate with societyOriekhov, K.; Mironovich, V.; Орехов, К. А.; Миронович, В. К.ArticleАнглийский
2023From a VUCA to a BANI worldBogatko, J.; Yakhnovets, D.ArticleАнглийский
2001Frequency assignment problem automationCharamisinau, I.ArticleАнглийский
2017French restaurant service and hospitalityМаркова, Г. А.; Шуплякова, Л. С.ArticleАнглийский
2022Free trade zones as a factor in the development of foreign economic activityMalyshyts, N.; Dubinko, S.ArticleАнглийский
2002Free economic zones as an effective development toolКороль, А. Г.ArticleАнглийский
2005Free economic zones "Minsk"Стефаненко, А. Н.; Stefanenko, A. N.ThesisАнглийский
2005Free economic zonesШашкова, Е. И.; Shashkova, E. I.ThesisАнглийский
2017Français: tremplin pour la profession économique = Французский язык: профессиональная коммуникация в сфере экономики : электронное учебно-методическое пособие по французскому языку для иностранных студентов и студентов заочной формы обученияПантелеева, И. В.-Французский
2019Français classique et français d’aujourd’hui: une langue qui bougeBindouskaja, A.; Биндовская, А. А.ThesisФранцузский
2020Franchising is a modern form of doing business in the Republic of BelarusКазакова, Е. Г.; Мельченко, Д. А.ArticleАнглийский
2019Franchising in BelarusKulikovich, K.; Marugo, E.ThesisАнглийский
2018Franchise business development in the Republic of BelarusМельник, А. С.; Карпович, В. Ю.; Качалова, Л. Е.ArticleАнглийский
2020France-Biélorussie: relations commercialesPouzikov, N.; Пузиков, Н. Л.ArticleФранцузский
2020Framework conditions for financing innovative activitiesRodevich, O.ArticleАнглийский
2001FPGA based real-time image processing platformPieper, M.; Kummert, A.ArticleАнглийский
2010Fourth-age tourism in Belarus: challenges and opportunitiesФомягина, М. М.; Fomyagina, M. M.-Русский
2022Forms and types of personnel labor incentivesKovalev, V.ArticleАнглийский
2001Forming of the investment portfolio using self organizing neural networksStankevicius, G.ArticleАнглийский
2011Formation peculiarities of innovative model of economic growth in AzerbaijanHaciyev, A. H.-Английский
2016Formation of tourist cluster in the Astrakhan region as a tool for the development of internal tourism in RussiaVazhova, E.; Kitik, M.-Английский
2021Formation of the system of social partnership in the EAEU in the context of changing political realityAleksanyan, A. S.ArticleАнглийский
2021Formation of the organization's tax policy through analytical proceduresKuhto, Yu.; Кухто, Ю. В.ArticleАнглийский
2022Formation of leadership qualities among students of economic profileNevstrueva, E.ArticleАнглийский
2009Forgotten world against the crisisВоробьева, В. В.ArticleАнглийский
1997ForewordShimov, V.Статья журнала; Magazine articleEnglish
2023Foresight and benchmarking as innovative methods in the financial management system of a commercial organizationTsaruk, D.; Царук, Д. Ф.ArticleАнглийский
2010Foreign trade: the Middle East as a perspective market for belarusian exportersВырвич, Н. Н.; Севрук, Е. А.; Vyrvich, N. N.; Sevruk, E. A.-Английский
2023Foreign trade policy and its impact on the country’s economyСереда, П. В.ArticleАнглийский
2018Foreign trade in the Republic of Belarus: reality and prospectsMishkova, V. V.; Samusevich, D. E.ArticleАнглийский
2001Foreign investments: possibilities, opinions, prospectsГладкая, О. М.; Gladkaya, O. M.-Английский
2020Foreign experience of formation of profitChernyavskaya, A.ArticleАнглийский
2017-06-30Foreign direct investments and international investment agreements : Syllabus for Master's program Specialization 1-25 81 01 «International Economics and Trade Policy»Petrushkevich, A. N.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2017Foreign Direct Investments and International Investment Agreements : electronic educational-methodical complex for masters program "International Economics and trade policy"Петрушкевич, Е. Н.; Petrushkevich, E. N.--
2000Foreign direct investment in BelarusЛукьянчик, С. В.; Lukyanchik, S. V.ThesisАнглийский
2016Foreign direct investment in ASEANKhramets, A.-Английский
2015Foreign direct investment effects on the economic security of host countriesValentsinovich, A.-Английский
2020Foreign commercials on the Belarusian marketYermik, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Foreign capital investments in Belarus: myth or reality?Пшеничник, Н. С.ThesisАнглийский
2003Forecasting methods in business managmentПабединскайте, А.; Шечкуте, Л.ArticleАнглийский

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