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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeLanguage
2017Foreign Direct Investments and International Investment Agreements : electronic educational-methodical complex for masters program "International Economics and trade policy"Петрушкевич, Е. Н.; Petrushkevich, E. N.--
2017-06-30Foreign direct investments and international investment agreements : Syllabus for Master's program Specialization 1-25 81 01 «International Economics and Trade Policy»Petrushkevich, A. N.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2020Foreign experience of formation of profitChernyavskaya, A.ArticleАнглийский
2001Foreign investments: possibilities, opinions, prospectsГладкая, О. М.; Gladkaya, O. M.-Английский
2018Foreign trade in the Republic of Belarus: reality and prospectsMishkova, V. V.; Samusevich, D. E.ArticleАнглийский
2023Foreign trade policy and its impact on the country’s economyСереда, П. В.ArticleАнглийский
2010Foreign trade: the Middle East as a perspective market for belarusian exportersВырвич, Н. Н.; Севрук, Е. А.; Vyrvich, N. N.; Sevruk, E. A.-Английский
2023Foresight and benchmarking as innovative methods in the financial management system of a commercial organizationTsaruk, D.; Царук, Д. Ф.ArticleАнглийский
1997ForewordShimov, V.Статья журнала; Magazine articleEnglish
2009Forgotten world against the crisisВоробьева, В. В.ArticleАнглийский
2022Formation of leadership qualities among students of economic profileNevstrueva, E.ArticleАнглийский
2021Formation of the organization's tax policy through analytical proceduresKuhto, Yu.; Кухто, Ю. В.ArticleАнглийский
2021Formation of the system of social partnership in the EAEU in the context of changing political realityAleksanyan, A. S.ArticleАнглийский
2016Formation of tourist cluster in the Astrakhan region as a tool for the development of internal tourism in RussiaVazhova, E.; Kitik, M.-Английский
2011Formation peculiarities of innovative model of economic growth in AzerbaijanHaciyev, A. H.-Английский
2001Forming of the investment portfolio using self organizing neural networksStankevicius, G.ArticleАнглийский
2022Forms and types of personnel labor incentivesKovalev, V.ArticleАнглийский
2010Fourth-age tourism in Belarus: challenges and opportunitiesФомягина, М. М.; Fomyagina, M. M.-Русский
2001FPGA based real-time image processing platformPieper, M.; Kummert, A.ArticleАнглийский
2020Framework conditions for financing innovative activitiesRodevich, O.ArticleАнглийский
2020France-Biélorussie: relations commercialesPouzikov, N.; Пузиков, Н. Л.ArticleФранцузский
2018Franchise business development in the Republic of BelarusМельник, А. С.; Карпович, В. Ю.; Качалова, Л. Е.ArticleАнглийский
2019Franchising in BelarusKulikovich, K.; Marugo, E.ThesisАнглийский
2020Franchising is a modern form of doing business in the Republic of BelarusКазакова, Е. Г.; Мельченко, Д. А.ArticleАнглийский
2019Français classique et français d’aujourd’hui: une langue qui bougeBindouskaja, A.; Биндовская, А. А.ThesisФранцузский
2017Français: tremplin pour la profession économique = Французский язык: профессиональная коммуникация в сфере экономики : электронное учебно-методическое пособие по французскому языку для иностранных студентов и студентов заочной формы обученияПантелеева, И. В.-Французский
2005Free economic zonesШашкова, Е. И.; Shashkova, E. I.ThesisАнглийский
2005Free economic zones "Minsk"Стефаненко, А. Н.; Stefanenko, A. N.ThesisАнглийский
2002Free economic zones as an effective development toolКороль, А. Г.ArticleАнглийский
2022Free trade zones as a factor in the development of foreign economic activityMalyshyts, N.; Dubinko, S.ArticleАнглийский
2017French restaurant service and hospitalityМаркова, Г. А.; Шуплякова, Л. С.ArticleАнглийский
2001Frequency assignment problem automationCharamisinau, I.ArticleАнглийский
2023From a VUCA to a BANI worldBogatko, J.; Yakhnovets, D.ArticleАнглийский
2023From cave paintings to graffiti: youths’ attempts to communicate with societyOriekhov, K.; Mironovich, V.; Орехов, К. А.; Миронович, В. К.ArticleАнглийский
2023From farm to tableKhvoinitskaya, V. G.; Markhotskaya, D. O.ArticleАнглийский
2020From internet addiction to internet cultureVeremeenko, S.ArticleАнглийский
2019From nose to tongue: the problem of categorizing odors in English and Russian languagesKsionzhyk, K.; Ксенжик, Е. А.ThesisАнглийский
2012From wildlife protection to international cooperation and mutual understandingПучинская, И. В.; Михайловская, Е. И.-Английский
2015Fuhrungsstil in DeutschlandКостюшкина, А. В.; Kostyushkina, A. V.ThesisНемецкий
2021Fulfillment services and logistics operations in e-commerceYerchak, O.ArticleАнглийский
2008Functional characteristics of intertextuality in media texts (exemplified by magazine headlines)Потятынык, У. А.; Potyatynyk, U. A.-Английский
2019Functioning of Biblicisms in modern EnglishShevchenko, B.; Шевченко, Б. С.ThesisАнглийский
2022Functions of shadow economyMakhkamov, D.ArticleАнглийский
2019Fundamental aspects of lean manufacturing as an improvement of product qualityLobanok, A.; Лобанок, А. И.ThesisАнглийский
2021-05-04Fundamental Principles of Taxation : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the educational discipline for the specialty 1-25 80 02 «World Economy»Loukianova, I. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019Fundamentals of Information Technology : electronic educational-methodical complex for Master’s degree studentsСадовская, М. Н.; Голенда, Л. К.; Говядинова, Н. Н.; Бутер, А. П.; Матусевич, Н. Л.; Мартысевич, О. В.; Гордич, А. А.; Соколова, Н. А.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2022-10-24Fundamentals of Information Technology : minimum program of differentiated credit in general education disciplineSadovskaya, M. N.; Golenda, L. K.; Govyadinova, N. N.; Gordich, A. A.; Sochnikov, L. E.Learning ObjectРусский
2019-12-27Fundamentals of Information Technology : the curriculum of higher education institutions disciplineSadovskaya, M. N.; Golenda, L. K.; Govyadinova, N. N.; Oskerko, V. S.; Zabrodskaya, K. A.; Gordich, A. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2024-06-28Fundamentals of Information Technology : the curriculum of higher education institutions disciplineSadovskaya, M. N.; Golenda, L. K.; Govyadinova, N. N.; Gordich, A. A.; Sochnikov, L. E.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2022-06-21Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Management : the curriculum of the institution of higher education in the academic discipline for the specialties: 1-25 01 03 «World Economy», 1-25 01 08 «Accounting, analysis and audit», 1-26 02 03 «Marketing»Zenkovich, V. A.; Sharapa, L. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2023Die funktionsmerkmale der negationsmittel im Deutschen und im RussischenAgnistikov, D.; Агнистиков, Д. О.ArticleНемецкий
2011Future of car market: electricity vs. gasolineМанжела, В. А.; Manzhela, V. A.-Английский
2022Future of experience economyMiroshnikova, K.ArticleАнглийский
2017Future of the blockchain in bankingParkhanovich, A. Y.; Gaiduckevich, D. S.ThesisАнглийский
2024Fuzzy sets in investingBudanchikova, D.; Буданчикова, Д. Ю.ArticleАнглийский
2001Fuzzy-based multicriterial optimization of economic and ecological systemDymova, L.; Chegerova, T.; Sevastianov, D.; Sevastianov, P.ArticleАнглийский
2017-04-26Game Theory in International Economics and Diplomacy : Course program for Master's Degree 1-25 81 03 “World Economy”Vashkevich, Y. B.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2017Game Theory in International Economy and Diplomacy : electronic educational-methodical complex for Master’s program 1-25 81 03 «World economy»Вашкевич, Ю. Б.; Vashkevich, Yu. B.-Русский
2021Gamification in marketingGutovets, A.; Pustoshilo, Yu.ArticleАнглийский
2020Gap between the rich and the poor in a modern worldSolonets, D.; Солонец, Д. О.ArticleАнглийский
2015GAP-анализ стратегических целей в области комплексного управления энергопотреблением предприятия овощеводства защищенного грунтаКазаков, О. А.ThesisРусский
2012Gastebetreung in hotelsМатвейчик, К. Н.-Немецкий
2022Gastronomic tourism in the development of the international tourism industryVaitovich, U.ArticleАнглийский
2010Geheimnisse des Erfolgs (wie wird man Erfolgreich)Краус, А. А.ThesisРусский
2011Gemeinschaftsuternehmen in BelarusБондаренко, М. А.-Немецкий
2015Gender diversity in company’s management as a key to enhanced performanceVolchek, A.-Английский
2012Gender inequalities in Belarus: coceptual foundations of economic, political and socio-demographic analysisRomanova, S.Article-
2001Gender policy in business or active role of women in small business management in countries of transitional economy tуреФилипович, Н. Е.; Filipovich, N. E.-Английский
2019Gender roles or socially constructedKazak, M.; Казак, М. В.ThesisАнглийский
2020Gender specifics of self-presentation of creative profession representatives on InstagramErosh, А.; Ерош, А. Ю.ArticleАнглийский
2018Generation theory as a marketing strategyBondarchuk, E.ArticleАнглийский
2024Generational marketing: how to attract zoomersDvoretskaya, A.; Дворецкая, А. А.ArticleАнглийский
2019Genesis and modern theories and concepts of accounting : electronic educational-methodical complex for undergraduates in the specialty 1-25 80 05 "Accounting, Analysis and Auditing"Pankov, D. A.; Панков, Д. А.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2019-12-27Genesis and Modern Theories and Concepts of Accounting : the higher education curriculum (training program) on an academic discipline for the specialty 1-25 80 05 «Accounting, analysis and audit»Kukhto, Yu. Yu.; Zaretsky, V. O.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2001Genetically modified organisms: for and againstНикольцева, А. И.ThesisАнглийский
2001Genforschung meilenstein: die entschlusselung des menschlichen erвgutsСахарова, И. В.; Saharova, I. V.-Немецкий
2016Geographical clustering of professional skillsArakelyants, Y.; Kitik, M.-Английский
2016Geography of Great Britain = География Великобритании : электронное учебно-методическое издание для студентовАнтонович, Н. Ю.BookАнглийский
2019Geomarketing location countsBukhalovich, O.; Siskevich, N.ArticleАнглийский
2022German loanwords related to the socio-political and economic realities of post-perestroika RussiaElantseva, P.; Dovganovskaya, E.; Еланцева, П. Я.; Довгановская, Е. Ю.ArticleАнглийский
2021Geschäftstätigkeit in Norwegen und DeutschlandSergej, A.; Сергей, А. В.ArticleНемецкий
2022Geschlechtergleichheit in der deutschen sprache (am material von rechtstexten)Yarokova, A.; Ярокова, А.ArticleНемецкий
2000Gestion de l'entreprise et mondialisationGasan, E. I.; Andreenko, K. A.; Гасан, Э. И.; Андреенко, К. А.-Французский
2010Gewinne werden privatisiert, Verluste sozialisiert oder "ich dachte, wir kaufen nur ein Haus"Хропик, В. О.; Hropik, V. O.-Немецкий
2023Glimpses of Britain : учебно-методическое пособиеСолонович, Т. Ф.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2000Global and Culture-Specific Dimensions of Humor in AdvertisingZelenskaya, O. B.; Зеленская, О. Б.-Английский
2021Global brand management : electronic educational-methodical complex for specialty 1-26 80 05 «Marketing»Sushkevich, E. A.; Сушкевич, Е. А.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2021-05-04Global Brand Management : the curriculum of the educational institution of higher education in the academic discipline for the major 1-26 80 05 "Marketing"Sushkevich, E. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2024-06-28Global Brand Management : the curriculum of the Educational Institution of higher education in the academic discipline for the major 7-06-0412-04 "Marketing"Sushkevich, E. A.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2024Global economic development trendsDubrovskaya, R.; Дубровская, Р. О.ArticleАнглийский
2016Global economic integration and coffee productionEgorova, H.; Kukhta, H.; Bergel, T.-Английский
2022Global economy trends: competing in a new era of globalizationSmeliakova, A.; Смелякова, А. Д.ArticleАнглийский
2020Global economy: threats and opportunities in the developmentLobanovskaya, N.ArticleАнглийский
2024Global flavor: Instagram strategies for elevating restaurant businesses’ personal brands across culturesAksenik, A.; Аксеник, А. С.ArticleАнглийский
2023Global gas market: shocks and consequences of sanctions pressure on Russia and BelarusGelokhov, V.; Гелохов, В. В.ArticleАнглийский
2021Global marketing : electronic training and metodology complex for specialty 1-26 80 05 "Marketing"Golik, V. S.; Kudasova, E. V.; Голик, В. С.; Кудасова, Е. В.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2021-05-04Global Marketing : the curriculum of the educational institution in the academic discipline for the speciality 1-26 80 05 “Marketing”Golik, V. S.; Kudasova, E. V.Learning ObjectАнглийский
2023Global retail trendsКручко, В. В.ArticleАнглийский
2021Global semiconductor market: current trendsTumor, M.ArticleАнглийский
2019Global virtual linguocultural enviromentKachanovich, V.; Качанович, В. В.ThesisАнглийский

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